night one

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minghao had always been a person who got homesick easliy. it wasn't that bad before but after they were in china for their concerts, he couldn't sleep properly anymore. he would not sleep until short before when he had to get up and cry all night.

he tried to not let the others notice, what did worked pretty well for a month.

junhui noticed that his best friend had dark bags under his eyes, he was worried.

one night, minghaos eyebags were really dark and hard not to notice that day, junhui got up after all of his bandmates were asleep and left the room and went to the practice room, he thought minghao might be there.
he found him in his bed quietly crying curled up into his bed hugging a small almost ripped apart teddy bear.
you could hear the calm breath of the three sleeping boys but the quiet sobs from the fourth broke the silence.

minghao flinched when he felt a hand on his shoulders. his eyes opened in fear and he stared at junhui.
the older one didn't said anything just pulled the older into a tight hug.
"whats wrong minghao?" he whispered to the younger who was still sobbing and had tears running down his cheeks.
"i-i m-mis- miss home..." his voice was shaking and broke at the end.
"is that the reason you slept so less the last weeks?"
a short nod from the younger who still clung to the older.
"i miss china too." the older said and smiled at minghao. "but whenever i get homesick i think of how much fun it is here, with you and with all the other boys. i am living my dream, and it might be hard sometimes and tiring and i have days where i really don't want to practice anymore but i always keep one thought in my head. i'm living my dream.
remember that one time where  seungkwan was annoying jihoon so much that jihoon chased him with jisoos guitar and jisoo freaked out when he came back and it ended up with seungchol scolding jisoo, jihoon and seungkwan becausw they were cursing and fighting so bad that you got scared and started crying? i know we laughed about them at the end of the day."
minghao smiled while junhui talked. he remembered everything. it did scare him back then but if he thinks back to that day he always finds himself smiling at his dorky friends.
"junhui? can you sing for me?" junhui almost didn't understood what his friend was saying because he was talking so quietly.
he smiled and nodded.
the younger cuddled himself in his blanket and pressed his teddy bear against himself and listened to the calm  voice of junhui.
when the somg endet minghao was asleep with a small smile on his face.
juhui smiled at the younger while thinking about how cute he was.
he stayed for an half hour till he went over to his own room to fall asleep almost directly.

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