What's Happening To Me?

Start from the beginning

"Is he still here or back at Killer's?"

"He went back to Killer's.... Are you okay?"

"Yeah... Suppose I'm a bit jealous of him." He admits.

"Uh oh... Are saints able to say such things?" You tease nudging him. He chuckles and hugs you close.

"That's our little secret." He breathes, giving you a devilish smirk.

"You're a horrible priest." You giggle.

"Shhh, I can still save your soul." He kisses your cheek.

"Hehe, I think someone already did."

Day two of school begin. You had a few classes with the trouble making demon, so you were always entertained. He would make things disappear and appear around the teachers making them occasionally double take or mutter under their breath. Or he would do it to you, chuckling all the while.

"You're the worst." You shake your head.

"As a demon, I take that as a compliment." He winks at you.

"Eustass, ____. Do you two have something to share with the class?" Mr. Spandam questions obnoxiously.

"Hm?" Kid raises an eyebrow at him before tossing you a smirk. Oh Lord... "Yeah I was just saying to my neighbor that your face reminds me of an elephant hemorrhoid." The whole class froze before laughter erupts, echoing the room and halls. Spandams face became purple with rage. You giggle looking at the demon to find him grinning proudly that his joke made a class of humans laugh. You felt some pride for him too.

"Both of you get the hell out!!" Spandam shrieks and you pause.

"Excuse me? Why am I being sent out?" You ask confused.

"Because you're with that freak!" He snaps. Kid's smile falls at that, tick mark building on his cheek, but before he can do anything you're suddenly out of your chair.

"Watch your fucking mouth you bloody pile of shit. It's not his fault you can't handle the truth. Do you still cry because your mama couldn't look at her ugly ass child?" You sneer back, lip curling. The whole class was stunned for a moment before erupting into laughter again. Spandam shakily points to the door in response so you head out with Kid following behind swiftly.

You stop half way down the hall as you return to your senses. What the hell did you just say? Kid suddenly picks you up twirling about with you as he cackles. "That was so vicious! Awesome!!" He chuckles hugging your stomach before putting you down and pulling away with a grin. "I underestimated you little human!" He pats your head.

"I'm going to in so much trouble..."

"Come on! Lunch will be starting soon!"

However, lunch didn't end as well... You sat with Luffy, Nami, Law, and Robin, eating lunch. "You and that new guy are pretty close huh?" Nami comments. You look at her confused. "I was in Spandam's class... I've never seen you get like that before. You're always so quiet and reserved." She points out. Law stops, raising an eyebrow.

"Wait... You mean you were the one that insulted Spandam?" He says in surprise. You shift and look down.

"I don't know what came over me..." You sigh.

"Wow... That really isn't like you, You never even hold up your hand to ask questions..." He murmurs, still in shock. "Who was the guy?"

"It was him right?" Luffy points and you all look to see Kid facing off with Zoro.

"Looks like Zoro's about to kick his ass." Nami comments. You pale swiftly running over as Zoro pulls back his fist. Kid smiles rather dangerously watching him. Zoro swings but you were suddenly there, pushing Kid back as Zoro's fist connects to your cheek. Your teeth cut into your cheek and you instantly taste blood.

Kid and Zoro freeze, eyes widening. "___...." Zoro breathes in shock. You spit out some blood.

"I'm okay... Don't fight please..." You manage holding your cheek, looking at Kid pleading. He shifts meeting your gaze before scoffing and walking away. You relax and your friends rush over scolding Zoro as Law looks at your mouth.

"I'm so sorry ___..," Zoro says guilty.

"It was my fault, I didn't have a plan to avoid that." You wave it off.

"Come on let's get you to the clinic." Law says pulling you along. You follow along, Law was obviously tense. Only speaking when you were both alone. "What's gotten into you? Why did you jump in like that?" He asks softly.

"Because.... There's no way Zoro could've won that fight..." You murmur. He looks at you before kissing your other cheek.

"Don't get hurt anymore like that... You're starting to scare me..."

Yeah, you and me both.... 

Inferno~ Demon!Eustass Kid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now