Chapter Five

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Tails felt himself being forced down on his knees harshly. His face was covered with a plastic bag, so he had absolutely no idea where he was.

Someone ripped the bag off of his face. He looked up slowly and noticed that he was in a somewhat dark room. A green-tinted light came from the edges and corners of the walls. He jumped when a hidden door to the far right of him opened up and released steam into the room.

A green hedgehog walked in after it cleared somewhat. He approached Tails with a straight face.

The two studied eachother silently for a moment.

"Miles Tails Prower," The green hedgehog said finally. "Am I correct?"

Tails only continued to glare at him.

"I suppose you won't talk soon." He sighed. "Fine. I expected as much. Do you know who I am?"

"Why should I?" Tails muttered quietly.

The hedgehog looked down at him and smirked slightly. "Because, soon I will be taking over your world. Soon, I will make your people part of my society."

Tails rose his head a bit higher. "Not if we stop you."

"Ha!" Glitch laughed. Then, for a moment, his body flickered, like a hologram with bad connection. When he stopped, he had a pained scowl on his face.

He looked at Tails slowly after a moment. "You and what army, mortal? What hope is there for you? I am stronger than what you've ever known."

"Doesn't seem like it." Tails smirked slightly.

"My name is Glitch for a reason, fox." Glitch said. "I am a living, spreaded glitch. As you can tell. Yes, it has its complications, but I can spread myself around, make people loose what happiness they have. This--" He gestured around the room "--is all because of me. So yes, I am stronger than you think."

He then looked down at Tails with a evil grin. "However, I am not strong enough to pass through that portal that separates this world from yours. I need a special object that can help me do just that." He held out a hand, and a holographic image of a computer chip was seen.

Tails' eyes widened as he recognized the chip as the one Sonic had.

Glitch's grin widened. "Ah, so you've seen it before."

"No!" Tails yelped quickly. "No, I haven't!"

"That's what they all say," Glitch sighed, then he turned to two black Pixels who were floating at the door, their green eyes unmoving. "Take him away."

One floated towards Tails and lifted him up forcefully. Tails squirmed a bit, but had no luck.

"Did I mention earlier that you have a time limit to tell me where it is?!" Glitch called as they went down the hall. "Three days! And that's only me being generous!"

The door shut behind them with a sssssh! sound, and nothing else was heard from the green hedgehog.

Sonics POV ⬛▪◽ ◻⬛◽ ◻◽▪

I sat in Amy's living room, staring at the cup of tea in my hands sorrowfully. I had said nothing to her in the past hour or so, and she had been sitting by my side for the entire time. So has the green wolf (which I later learned that her name was Territory).

It felt like my mouth and voice didn't want to work anymore. I just lost my best friend--my brother. Tails was gone, and I couldn't bear the thought for much longer. Time seemed to drag on slower than usual as I just sat there, staring at my now cold drink.

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