Chapter Seven

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⬛◼◻◽◻◼⬛ Sonics POV

So I have the same sword Glitch has.

And not to mention that Tails is gone.

And we're being forced to be part of something we really don't want to be a part of.

So far, life's been an absolute pleasure.

The green pixel had led us on for at least twenty minutes now. I had absolutely no idea where we were going, and the darkness and green color that glowed from the corners and edges of the walls really urked me for whatever reason.

Amy came up to my side and whispered, "Where do you think it's taking us?"

I shrugged. "No idea."

Just as we spoke, the Pixel stopped, and a door opened up. The gray dog had tagged along.

"Alright. So these will be your.. 'Rooms', as you Outsiders like to call it." He said. "You get to design them with your own tastes, the only limit is your imagination. Just use your Weaponbands as a source of power. Got it? Good. Now, you," He pointed at Territory. "You'll go in here. In this room, and rest for the rest of the day. You guys probably came a long way, so the Boss ordered three rooms, one for each of you. The blue one goes in the one next to yours, and the pink one goes next to his. Got it?"

Territory hesitantly walked past Amy and I, and into her room. The door shut automatically when she was in.

Amy and I shrugged at eachother, than did the same. I stopped at the entrance, and turned back to the dog. "Wait... How will we know when to wake up?"

"You'll hear a bell go off through the walls. Don't worry." He replied. "See you Outsiders in the 'morning'."

I watched him leave with the Pixel, then turned to the black space before me.

The only limit is my imagination huh...? I thought, finally stepping in.

I thought for a moment, then I smirked and turned to the wall on my left. I rose my wrist, pointing the Weapon band at the wall, and imagined a long, rectangular window across the middle. Immediately, pixels flew out of the Chip, faster than I thought they would. They formed the exact shape, the exact length. I was able to see Amy's room. I chuckled to myself at the thought. I was able to see her, but she couldn't see me. It was clever. Slightly perverted mabye, but at least I couldn't see much. Speaking of Amy...

I decided to finish later, and headed out to her door and knocked. My heart pumped as I formed the question in my head, the question I longed an answer for.

The door, however, hissed open before I even racked my knuckles against it. I blinked when meeting Amy's backside for a second, then she turned around to face me.

"Sonic. Hi." She said, blinking.

"Hi.." I replied. "May I come in?"

She rolled her eyes. "Well duh."

I stepped in, and took a look around the room. There was a bed to my far left, adorned with gray blankets and pillows. A random black chair with a cushion was in a corner. There was a mirror on my right, and that seemed to be it.

".. This is it??" I asked.

She glanced around the room. "Not much I can do in a bland place like this.. Besides, why waste time decorating when we won't be here for very long?"

I smiled at her. "Good point."

"So, what brings you here?" She asked me.

I sighed. Time to ask the question...

GlitchedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz