Chapter 36

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"Send him away." Commanded Gyokuen, as the guards took the dark Oracle in a flash, sending him back to the empire using teleportation.

Something caught Gyokuen's eyes upon the large crowd of magicians-- white short mane and blue flowers stuck into her hair. Her eyes narrowed, sending her arm forth to the north rapidly, Kounan nodding behind her with a soft but sharp hum, and clears the crowd with a wave of her gigantic feather fan. 

Aladdin was one of the crowd's many wizards, and thank god he didn't get found out. Moving to another place with an open area like today seemed too risky. Chie had done it, though, taking every risk escaping from the witch she calls Gyokuen. 

Chie ran, wand in hand, almost slipping from her grasp due to sweat, pressure washing against her and boy, no one could even measure how her heart was beating that fast.

Kounan passed through the crows, her sharp eyes turning around the surroundings, spotting a dark dress and golden staff, she resumed running, as quick and graceful like a fox-- Chie knew she'd never outrun Kounan. 

Chie stops and lifts herself with wind magic, and surrounding herself with a borg, but was penetrated quickly, sending the poor magician down to the ground. She lifter her face rapidly, and casts a light spell, blinding Kounan temporarily.

Regaining her vision, Chie was nowhere in sight. She ticked her lips, moving slowly but steadily across the map. She knew she was here, her sharp senses weren't lying, and the way her hand was shaking in urge to find the magician was for sure she was hiding somewhere near. 

"Chie-san." She says with a soft voice, as if she wasn't a villain after all. Chie shivered, but doesnt come out from her hiding spot. "Hakuyuu would've been alive if you hadn't flirted with him, you know?" 

Chie's eyes bawl out, triggered. 

"Hakuyuu would've had a happy life with his brother and siblings." 

"Hakuryuu would've have a nice past with no scar that makes him remember that very moment. Forever." 

"Look how you've changed so much things, Chie-san. If only we could make it all better--" 

Kounan smiles, looking up to the sky.

"Unfortunately," She sighs, "You had to ruin it all. Hakuyuu would've been alive, fighting alongside his siblings, picnicking with them, and we wouldn't have to deal with Hakuryuu having panic attacks every single time he sees his own damned refection. Hideous, isn't it? All. Because. Of. You. You're such a horrible, despicable woman." 

Chie knelt, crashing sounds hitting the ground as her staff dropped. 

Kounan followed the sound, and lifted the lifeless poor magician, who had tears in her long dead eyes still freshly dripping, carrying her staff as well, and delivers it to Gyokuen. 

As Gyokuen shows a grin on her face upon revealing Chie to her, the rebelious magician refusing to look in her devilish eyes made Gyokuen angry. She squeezed his cheeks and spun it like a faucet to meet her eyes, Chie grunting in pain. 

"You brat." She spat. "I cloned you so you could be useful to me. And look what you have done. All of this would've been simple and clean if you'd just chopped that imbecile girl's head off the moment you kidnapped her." 

"All of this would be 'simple and clean' if you'd just let me die." 

Her response ticked Gyokuen, releasing her with a slap, and dug her nails right in around her neck. "I never will. I'll let you see all the pain and tragedy, my butterfly." 


Long golden thick locks swayed in the rush of momentum, her tiny little feet running as fast as she could, staff in hand almost slipping from her grasp due to sweat.  Tiny short breaths escapes her lips, and her eyes were locked to a certain destination, but alas, it was so far away. 

Scheherazade was immensly alarmed by the Kou empires sudden arrival, or she would call it invasion. The Magi of the Kou empire has violated many rules among this kingdom, and she will never forgive it. 

But as she took a turn, he was put to a sudden shocking halt. "Now is not the time, Mai." 

"Your Majest, please listen to me. I need your aid."

"The Kou Empire is just on the other building. Who knows what they might do--" 

"I know what they are doing, Your Majesty." She spoke, cutting the sentence Scheherazade was about to tell. "And it's not good in the slightest. I will explain everything briefly so please listen." 

Sweat drops from her forehead to her cheeks, and noticing how much time she took deciding, she gave her a nod, narrowing her eyes. 

The pinkette took a deep breath, and put her hand over her chest, and declares:

"I am not actually Mai. I am Sheba, Solomon's spouse. I am talking over this body to protect whats needed to be protected." 

Reborn (Magi Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora