Chapter 11

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(Mai P.O.V)

"So, you're saying that you lived your whole life inside a dungeon?"

Sinbad clarified his statement, raising an eyebrow on me, hardly believing my story from the looks of his facade. 

I suddenly became nervous after he looked into my eyes. "Yeah." I mumbled, averting his eyes.

"And after that, you stayed with the Kou empire." I nodded.

"You shouldn't be too submissive around the Kou empire. Judging from your appearance, I'd say you're rather easily aroused by emotions." I looked away, clutching the clothes Kougyoku gave me.

"They are aggressive. They will do anything to make you their property. But in here," He raised a glass, filled with a shot of white wine. "We dedicate ourselves for the loyalty of the people. You'll enjoy your stay here at Sindria." Sinbad declared, as I felt his mighty presence filling the room. 

"Speaking of Sindria," He paused, putting down the wine. "Were hosting a feast at midnight. I suppose you want to join us?" 

A feast? I blinked. Supposed it was filled with lights and torches aflame, and the people banging on the drums as a certain someone swayed in the stage. Odd how I'd imagine it to go this far-- her imagination, I meant. I've never been outside the dungeon for who knows how long, and yet, I feel like I've been in a feast before. 

I blurred the thought, and nodded back to Sinbad. "O-Of course! I'd love to go see. Are you coming too, Aladdin?" 

With no doubt, he nodded a big "YES!". 

I saw a reign of clouds below me as we soared up the sky, Aladdin's eyes darting through the clouds looking for his friends who had left him earlier. Soon, we'd found the rest of his friends as they sailed into the flying carpet. 

"Eh, you met my siblings-- er, cousins?" The scarred man asked eagerly, his smile reflecting my eyes. "Y-Yeah. They're really kind." Hakuryuu put his hand on the back of his nape, shy. "T-They were?" He asked, smile fading. "I barely see them act normal around me. They focus more on my bother's plans on making the world-- never mind." And by that, the conversation hung like a disco ball on a thread. Well, I wouldn't want to pursue him more. Wouldn't wanted my neck snapped. 

The second we landed Sindira's grounds, I saw something familiar up the castle gates. Squinting my eyes as I followed the trio with Hakuryuu behind them, I saw the same magi who always scolded me.

"Oh, Idiot king, were only staying for a bit while. After the feast we'll be going home. Besides, It makes your kingdom and the Kou empire much more compatible than before, no?" He winked, seducing him with his sly crimson eyes with his wry smile. Sinbad just sighed, and eyed Ja'far, who was just behind him, quick enough for Judal not to see. "Look, Judal. We don't agree to your terms. Just after trespassing our territory and raised a dungeon without our knowledge, I'd say this is fair." Judal sneered at the general, then  looked back at Sinbad. "The dungeon's one now, after all, I'd say that was fair." He stepped away, waltzing. "If I were to go home with this expression in my face," Judal said, pointing to his face. "I don't think your kingdom would survive after Kouen unleashes his powers amongst you." He cackled a sick grin. And with Sinbad's face, Judal knew that instant he'd already won. 

"Judal?" I rushed to the front gates with the four. "What are you doing here?" 

"Making agreements. Young thing like you wouldn't comprehend. Now, excuse me--" 

"Wait! Did you like-- leave the castle and went home without my permission?" 

Judal sighed. "Yeah, and whats the problem--" He checked his nails. "Not like it affected you."

"You went back without me? What did Kouen say?" 

"He said to dispose of you. You couldn't even capture a dungeon, and don't even know how to use your powers!" 

I looked, my face looking as if i were not believing. "That's not true! Someday, I will be of use." 

"Someday." I whispered, repeatedly as I looked down, trying to stop the flow of my tears. 

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