Chapter 3

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I realised I hadn't eaten much today so and I decided I would go out for dinner. I went into my closet and put on a short black and white dress with casual heels and let my medium length brown hair down.

I walked out of my hotel, hailed a cab and asked him to take me to one of the few restaurants I knew in New York, Butter.

Once I arrived there I asked for a table but the worker said that they were booked out for the night. I was begging them to get me a table and then someone put their hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay she can come and eat with me." It was Nate!

"Hey Nate, thanks for saving my ass. You sure you want me intruding on your dinner?" I asked, assuming he was here with someone.

"No you'd be doing me a favor. I'm here eating alone because Blair cancelled our plans. I haven't ordered yet anyway" He told me as he walked me to his table.

We sat down at his table and he asked, "So how are you liking America?"

"It's great, I mean I miss the beaches back home but I'm not complaining about living here. Manhattan is beautiful!" I answer.

"Well that's good. Why were you going to be eating alone tonight anyway?"

"I was supposed to have dinner with my family tonight but my parents are both working late and my brother has a lot of homework, so I guess it was just me."

"Well now you have me." He says "So I'm guessing Chuck has already tried to get with you?" I didn't want to tell him, or anyone about the kiss that happened earlier but I also didn't want to lie to Nate. Luckily the waitress came just in time and by the time we ordered our food Nate had forgotten about his question. Suddenly Nate's phone goes off. "Uh Oh..." he says.

"Blair?" I ask. He shakes his head and shows me his phone;

"Spotted: Nate and the new girl Emily having dinner at Butter. On only her first day at Constance and knowing Nate, she is already causing trouble. Rumor is that N was supposed to be having dinner with B, but she stood him up."

I read the Gossip Girl blast and Nate texts Blair to explain why we were at dinner together. She said that it's Okay. I hope it actually is, I don't want to start drama already.

"It's fine, who cares? Blair isn't mad and we are only having dinner. I don't see what the big deal is." I say.

"Blair is a bit of a drama queen and Gossip Girl likes to exaggerate the truth most of the time, but Blair's fine so let's just enjoy the night." Nate smiles and takes a sip of his drink.

"So, should I be worried to meet the mysterious Georgina?" I ask Nate.

"No, I mean Serena is the only one that's really close to her. Chuck lost his virginity to her in sixth grade and I'm pretty sure Blair hates her. She just basically gets drunk and parties all the time."

Our food arrives and I say "Thank you" to our waitress.

"I like your accent, it's cute" Nate grins and we eat our food.

I didn't even realize I had a strong Australian accent until I moved here, now everyone points it out. No one has called it cute before.

When we finish our food, Nate insists on paying even though I tried numerous times to pay. We walked out of the restaurant and Nate gave me a hug.

"Tonight was fun, let's hang out again some time. I'll see you tomorrow Emily." Nate says.

"Yes, thank you for dinner. It was nice getting to know more about you, considering we only met today. Goodnight, see you tomorrow."

We hugged again quickly and I got into my cab, "Palace Hotel please."

When I got up to my room I put on pajama shorts, an oversized hoodie and got into bed. I was checking my phone and got a message from Gossip Girl. It was another blast about me with pictures of Nate and I hugging:

"Just to update you all on E and N's dinner, they have left but were spotted hugging twice before newbie Emily got into a cab

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"Just to update you all on E and N's dinner, they have left but were spotted hugging twice before newbie Emily got into a cab. If there is one piece of advice that someone should have given E on her first day its not to get into a fight with Blair Waldorf!

You know you love me, XOXO Gossip Girl."

Oh god this was not good. Tomorrow morning, I will explain to Blair that it was just a friendly dinner. I got a text from Nate a few minutes later;

NATE: Don't worry about Gossip Girl. I've already spoken to Blair about it, everything is fine :)


Hey everyone I hope you liked this chapter, sorry it is really short but the rest of my chapters are 1000+ words.

I mad an instagram account to promote this book so if you want to follow it its @manhattans.elite.fanfic 

I love you all!

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