14 || A camping we will go

Start from the beginning

I started to feel dizzy and stumbled. Carter caught me by the wrist.

"Woah. You're really afraid aren't you?"

"Yes I'm really afraid," I snapped glaring at him. "I guess I'm not as fearless as you thought I was. You're probably eating this up and coming up with all the ways to make fun of me." I moved to get out of line but he stopped me.

"Hey I'm sorry, I didn't know you were really scared." I refused to look up at him.

"Aubrey look at me."

I reluctantly tilted my head up. His face was actually...sincere.

"It's ok to be afraid," he said softly. "I'm not a total dick, I'm not judging you."

I stared up at him. "Really?"

"Yes really," he smiled.

In the end Ivy and I sat out while everyone else zip lined. Roller coasters I could handle. This I could not.

"That was exhilarating!" Nikole shook out her hair. "You guys should've tried it."

Ivy and I looked at each other.

"No thanks."


After we hiked back down to the campsite we had free time. So everyone changed into swimsuits and we all headed to the lake.

"Cannonball!" Trevor swung into the lake. There was a line for the rope that swung you out into the lake.

"You can't zip line but you can do this?" Carter raised a brow at me.

I roll my eyes. "Every time I start to think you're a decent person you open your mouth and shit comes out."

"What can I say? I'm a talented shit talker," he laughs.

Feeling particularly evil when it's his turn to climb the ladder up to the rope I follow him. At the least second before he swings off I jump onto his back. It's too late to shake me off and we go flying into the lake.

"That was fun!" I surface grinning. He narrows his eyes at me. I splash him. He splashes me back. Then it turns into an all out splash war.

"Surrender!" I shriek covering my eyes from the spray of water. When he doesn't listen I slip under water and emerge behind him attacking him from the back.

"You're such a sneak," he lifts me up onto his shoulders with me protesting loudly.

"Hey put me down!"


Then he tosses me back into the lake. I come back up to spew obscenities at him but I'm dragged off by Ivy and the girls.

"You guys are so obvious with your flirting it's sad," Chanel shakes her head at me.

"We were not flirting!" I argue.

"Just stay clear of Britney," Ivy warns. "She's livid."

"Over what? Our non existent relationship?"

The rest of the day I can literally feel Britney glaring a hole into my skull. I'm glad when we head back to the campsite and her tent is nowhere near mine.

"Bonfire!" Coach Brown calls out.

The coaches have created a huge fire that we can all sit around. Now that it's night time the air is chilly and I've  dressed warmly in sweats and a PINK hoodie.

"Let's sing campfire songs!" A girl suggests.

I press my lips together refusing to take part in this activity. Instead I sit and toast my marshmallow as my classmates annoyingly sing Down by the Bay.

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