I growled. I have my pole with my scales at the top. I waited for him to move but he didn't. Then he moved his arm. I ran up and attacked him. He flew back towards the fire. He is on his back. He's faking. He got up with out any injuries. Knew it. He came flying towards me then disappeared. Then I heard him behind me. I attacked behind me and I hit something. I turned around and I see Aaron on the ground on his back with my staff up to his neck.

"How did you know I was behind you?"

"I sensed you behind me"

He put his hands on my staff and he tried to burn it but it didn't go up in flames.

"Why isn't going up in flames?" He asked

"Because it can't go up in flames, dumbass"


I kneeled down and lifted him up by his throat. He is struggling. Faking. He grabbed my hand with his hands. He tried making my fingers loose but I held onto him tight. Then I threw him. Once he got up he has some scratches and bruises.

"Don't tell me your her" He said

"Who's her?"

"The Phoenix's daughter"

"Like hell I am"

I ran up to him. Once I was about to attack him with my staff, he disappeared. Then I heard breathing to my left. I turned to my left and see him in his demon form, but he still has the bruises and scratches. Maybe he isn't faking, but he's going to be serious now. Then he flew towards me. I jumped. I see the fire is dying down a little. Good. I landed on my feet. I see him just floating there.

"Tell me, my love, why are you attacking me?" He asked

I knew it.

"Because I hate you"

I ran up to him and attacked his side with my scales and flew towards the fire but then he hit something before he flew into the fire. I stood up straight. He put up a barrier. He flew towards me, before he get close to me, I moved to my right. Then he disappeared. I looked around me and I don't see him. I'm back to my normal self. Then I saw the fire getting bigger. Oh no.

"Libra! Are you alive in there?" Pisces asked

"Yeah, but I'm trap in Aaron's barrier"

"Okay, go-. Wait a minute Aaron is here!"

"Yes but he's after me"


"Because I attacked him"

I didn't heard the rest because the fire got so loud. Then I felt hands on my waist. That sent chills up my spine. Then I felt a pair of lips on the left side of my neck. That sent chills down my spine. Then arms are wrapped around me. I tried to get out of the person's grip but they held onto me really tight.

"You're not going anywhere"

I froze. This is not Aaron. Then I felt the pair of lips on my neck. Then they started to kiss from my neck to my shoulder. I'm still frozen. I don't know what to do. Then the male let go of me. I turned around and I see a male with jet black hair, a eye patch over his right eye, silver eyes, a black jacket the collar up. He has black pants with black shoes. I took a step back. {Picture for the Chapter is him}

"Who are you?" I asked a little scared

"Shadow" He answered.

He has a really deep voice. Then he took a step. I summoned my sword.

"Don't come near me" I said as I pointed my sword towards him.

He chuckled. Then he disappeared. I backed up and bumped into something or someone. I turned around and I see Shadow. He grabbed my hand with my sword and started to put pressure. It started to hurt after a couple minutes. I let go of my sword. My sword went away. Then Shadow left go of my hand. I held onto my hand. I started to hear footsteps behind me. I turned around and see Aaron. I've never thought I'll be happy to see him. I smiled. Then I felt someone grabbed my hair and pull me back. I yelped in pain. I grabbed the hand that is holding my hair.

"So, tell me Aaron, is this the girl your in love with?"

"Yes, now, let her go" Aaron said pissed

Shadow kept holding onto my hair. Then I let go of his hand. I elbowed him in the face then the gut. He let go of me. I kicked him in the gut and his manhood. I grabbed his arm twist it and put behind his back. He was about to grab me with his other arm but I grabbed it, twist it, and I flipped him over. I summoned my staff. He stood up.

"She's strong, I like that" Shadow said

I hit him with my staff. He flew back. My staff went away. I see cuts, bruises, and blood all over Shadow's body. Did I really do that? I slowly walked towards him. I kneeled down.

"You made a demon bleed" Shadow said

He's a demon too. Come on! I stood up. Then he stood up. Once he did, he grabbed my throat with his right hand and lifted me up. I saw the fire went away. I see everyone. They ran to the guy who is holding my throat.

"See you next time, little one" said Shadow.

Then he disappeared. I fell to the ground. I coughed a little. Everyone is hugging me right now.

"Libra, who was that?" Capricorn asked

"He said his name was Shadow and .............. he's a demon"


Hey guys! I left you guys on a cliff hanger. I hope you guys like this chapter. Well I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Peace Out!

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