Chapter 18: Court

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"But..." 'Wakko' interrupted. "But if we were dangerous, we'd have gone after her after the first trial! We never did though!"

Three simultaneous slaps on the face could be heard in the back.

'Wakko' froze. "...did we?"

The judge pointed his gavel at the 'Warners'. "You've just confirmed my suspicions! You aren't the real Warners!" He looked back at the real Warners. "You are!"

The Warners looked guilty as they quickly changed back to their real selves.

"Uhhh!" Yakko pointed at the CEO beside him. "He said we had to do it! We wanted to represent ourselves!"

"Yeah!" Dot and Wakko agreed.

The CEO frowned. "What about-"

"Changed his mind. Going into an art major instead." The judge answered. "Besides, after hearing the victim's statement again, I think I'd still reject it."

"But-but-but!" Dot started to panic. "But she wasn't even supposed to testify!"

"I agree! This will not go down without a fight." The CEO complained to the judge. "We were unprepared for her. She was not supposed to be present!"

"She changed her mind." The Judge replied seriously. "I would not have such an extreme case as this and not have her present if I could."

"But..." Wakko looked between his siblings and then back at the judge. "Our show though!"

"Yeah," Yakko backed him up, "we can't do it if we can't be near each other anymore. Everything'll be ruined." He looked over at the CEO. "We're your main stars, do something!"

The CEO groaned. " what?"

"I don't know, think of something." Dot yelled at him. "Hello?"

"If it were Plotz, he'd do something." Wakko crossed his arms.

"Yeah," Yakko agreed, "Plotz took that extreme case and kept us from going into an asylum. Now you, you haven't made any headway at all!"

"He is not in control of this situation." The judge replied as the victim started to leave the witness stand. "I am."

"..." The CEO groaned. "...I was afraid this would happen."

"What? What happened to 'hey, we've got this case licked!'huh?" Yakko growled at him.

"You can't do the show without us!" Dot pleaded him. "Come on! Help us out, pleeease?"

"I don't..." Wakko looked at the ground. "I don't wanna go back there again. I don't!" He looked at the CEO pleadingly as well. "We belong here!"

"You must have some kind of heart." Yakko looked toward the judge. "Or...maybe a quarter of a real heart. Somewhere around there."

"Yakko!" 'Dot' scolded him. "Now's not the time for games."

"Gee, ya think? I'm just about to get booted out again!" He whined as he looked around himself. Armed guards were standing ready against them. He looked over at the CEO. "You don't have a show without us! Show some backbone and do something! Anything!"

"Would you stop yelling at me?" The CEO growled. What was he gonna do? He looked over at the 'Warners'. For the longest time they had fooled the judge. "Maybe..." Before he could finish his thought though the Warners were already being grabbed.

"This can't be happening! I don't wanna go back!" Wakko yelled as he kicked repeatedly trying to get out of the guards arms. "No more Tar-mart!"

"No way! This isn't right!" Dot gritted her teeth as she kicked in her guards arms. "We're the Warner Trio! TRIO!"

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