01: Days at Home- Part 2

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I open the door, peeking my head out and keeping the blanket over my head so Jack couldn't see my hideous state.

"Hey J- ACHOO! Hey, Jack." I said.

"Hey (Y/N)... So the legends are true. You're sick. How sick is sick on a scale of one to ten?" He asked.

"Do you- coughs- Do you really want to know? Or, rather, see?" He nodded and I fling open the door, revealing my sick day clothes and sneezing twice.

"So on a scale if one to ten... Eleven." He said.

"More like twelve." I corrected him honestly. "Do you want to come in? I'm sorry, I've left you standing out on the front porch like a moron." The one day I choose to be sick and look like I was thrown off of a building, and my crush decides to come and say hello. My life is great..

Jack stepped inside and took off his shoes, saying,

"You are NOT a moron, for starters. The group chat has gone wild, everyone's trying to figure out where you went. I came to see you since I live the closest. I am taking care of you, and you can't persuade me otherwise, so don't try anything. What's your favorite soup? " He walked into my kitchen, and I followed him and sat on a barstool.

"Tomato soup with the little bread crouton things I have in my cupboard. Thank you, Jack. You really don't have to do this. And I didn't think you guys would notice my absence, I assumed you would hang out as usual." I answered every question I remembered.

"Okay. Soup will be ready in 20 minutes. You're welcome. I know I don't have to do this, but I am. I don't like it when I don't see you around as usual." My cheek temperature rose at that last part, and I smiled and looked away, suddenly embarrassed.

"Jack, do you mind if I take a 4 minute shower? I probably smell like death and look even worse." I laughed, only half kidding.

*Jack's POV*

"(Y/N), you always look amazing, so I don't know what you are talking about. But yeah, if you go shower, the soup will be ready by the time you are done." She smiled, thanked me again, and ran upstairs to shower. I smiled when I heard the water go on a few minutes later, accompanied by her singing.


"-Yeah, so that happened..." I said, and we both laughed.

"Jack? Thank you for real. This is the sweetest thing anyone's done for me. You came and took care of me and I really appreciate it. So thank you." She said, looking at me earnestly. "I promise I will make up for the hugs when I don't have an awful cold." She shuddered, and suddenly looked very vulnerable.

"You're welcome.. Can I do something? Really fast, I promise."

"Of course, Jack!" She exclaimed. I was suddenly struck with an impulse to make her happy, to see her smile, to hear her laugh. I live to see (Y/N) and be the source of her happiness. I leaned over and kissed her. Just out of nowhere. She immediately kissed me back, and when we pulled away I saw a smile on her face.

"Jack, you'll probably get sick from that." She giggled, obviously not that upset about it.

"Meh, it'll give you one more excuse to come visit me." I said slyly, smirking.

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