Chapter 10 - The Incident

Start from the beginning

I had woke up as a vampire, but at the time, I didn't know. I could slowly feel myself changing from me, to...something else. I went straight to Caitlyn and confronted her about it.

I remember fighting with her about her turning me. "I don't feel bad at all!" She had yelled at me. "How could you do this! You ruined my life!" I yelled back. She didn't care. Not even a little bit. I had stormed out in a huge fit of anger. And I never looked back. And I haven't talked to Caitlyn since then.


I still hate Caitlyn to this day for turning me into this. I never wanted it! And now look what I am. I can never be normal because of her. 

But there's no use in dwelling on the past because it happened more than 100 years ago, right? You would think I would be over it by now, because it's been that long.

You would be wrong. You would be very, very wrong.

I shook the thought out of my head as I walked home from the trail.

When I made it home, I saw Max sitting on the couch watching television.

"Hey." I said whilst sitting down.

"Hey. I saw you two today at the carnival." He said.

"Is all you do is just spy on Skye and me? Could you just leave us alone?" I said a bit annoyed.

"Woah. Calm down. First of all, I wasn't spying on you. You came to the carnival when I was already there." He said.

"So, what were you doing there? Were you with someone on a date?" I asked.

"No." He muttered. Why did I even ask that question? He never likes to talk about his love life to, well, anyone. He hasn't had a girlfriend - or a decent date, for that matter, - since the incident.

Lately, it's just one-night-stands and snogging girls at bars to take them home with him. He kills them, or turns them, or makes them forget about the entire thing. It's been a pattern of that for some months now.

"Why don't you get back out there and find someone." I patted him on back.

"I'm still getting over her. You know that." He sniffled a bit.

"You can find someone else Max. Don't spend all of your time dwelling on your ex." I said, trying to be sympathetic.

"Michelle was the love of my life, Nathan. I loved that girl with everything I had." He looked up at me. 

I didn't know what to say or do. I've never been in such a bad heartbreak like Max has. In all of my years, if a girl broke up with me or left me, it was never this bad.

When Max was with Michelle, they were happiest couple ever. But then...the incident happened.

The incident is what went down between them that caused her to walk out on him. When he told me what happened between him and her, he didn't say much. He didn't spill every last detail, but he told me enough for me to get a clear idea of what happened.

He was heartbroken for weeks on end. Tom and I did everything to help him and get back into things, and we were actually successful, but there are still times like this where he's reminded of it.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"It's fine," He sniffled. "Now back to you and Skye." He chuckled.

I laughed. "Nothing went on."

"You know, you shouldn't lie." He laughed.

"What? Who said I was lying?" I asked.

"I can read it on your face." He pointed.

I rolled my eyes. "Did you kiss her?" He asked. 

My eyes widened. "No."

"Do you want to?"

"Maybe." I muttered.

"That's a yes." He pointed.

"Honestly Max..." I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"You know you do." He said.

I gave in to my real choice and admitted it. "Fine. Yes, I do want to." 

He could already tell that I wanted to, so there was no use in lying about it.

"Why don't you?" He asked.

"I don't know how she feels about me! I want to be sure that the feeling is mutual. If it is, then I might kiss day.." I explained.

"Nathan. Trust me. She will love you once you get closer." He said.

"I hope so." I half-smiled.

Skye's POV

After a couple of hours that consisted of Alex interrogating me with questions, and talking about random things, she had to go home. We'd both forgotten that today is Sunday and we have school tomorrow!

After she'd left, I got all my clothing ready for tomorrow.

"Do you like that Nathan lad?" My mum asked when she popped in my room.

"I guess...he's pretty nice." I said.

"You seem like you really like him."

"I know..but I want to make sure that this is my true feeling."

"Why? You act like you've never liked a boy before."

"It's not that. I've never liked anyone like how I like Nathan." I sighed.

"How is he different?" She asked, sitting down with me.

"I just feel a certain pull when i'm around him. His smile, and the way his eyes sparkle when he laughs..." My voice trailed off.

"Do you hear yourself? You always have that dreamy tone of voice when you talk about him."

I could feel myself blush and look away.

I thought about it for a minute.

I do like him. But i'm just afraid that i'll get hurt by someone who means a lot to me. I've gotten hurt by many people in the past, and I know that there are more to come and go but...I just don't want Nathan to be one of those who go.

I looked back at her. "You really like him." She smiled.

"Yeah...I guess I do."

She laughed. "When you have your feelings in order, you'll know how you truly feel."

She stood up and left my room. I looked out at Nathan's home.

It's just so weird. Every moment that i'm with him, my feelings just keep growing and growing.

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