o n e; family issues part 1

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 Sabrina (picture is her)

I wake to a faint muffle coming on the other side of my wall. I lift my head and hear my little sister. She is eight and she is just precious. I sit up and fold the covers beside me. 

I slowly walk to my door and right as i'm about to open I hear a creak. I look through the key hole on my door and see my drunken dad walking down the hallway. I quickly tip toe to my bed and pretend i'm asleep. 

My dad must have yelled at my little sister. I cover my face knowing that he might come in here and I cant even look at him. My door shifts open and my body immediately shivers. I close my eyes even more he leans in front of my face and kisses my head. He then rips of the covers that hold my petite body. He picks me up bridal style and throws me on the ground "Wake up slut." he screams and kicks my ribs. I groan, but I sit up. 

"What do you want?" I yell back. 

"I never gave you permission to talk." 

I hang my head low, knowing that this isn't going end well. I go onto my knees and eventually get onto my feet. My dad looks at me and starts charging at me I back up and i knock into my dresser and hit my head on one of the drawers that i left open. I hit my head so hard i think to myself. But i cant give up yet. He goes for a punch at my face but i duck down so he smashes his hand into my dresser. I roll and get to my window I look out and see that it is not that far down. probably 7 feet. I could make it. I open the window and turn around to see where my dad was. 

He was just couple of inches away. I stare cold into his eyes before i turn around. He grabs my hips and throws me onto my bed. He gets on top of me and stuffs a shirt in my mouth "You have made enough noise" 

A tear drips down my face, its never been this bad. He normally just yells at me and my mom. 

I kick and punch and I try to get away but his weight holds me down. I fear what he will do to me. He swings at my nose. Immediately blood drips down. He then just gets off of me and closes my door. I rip the shirt out of my mouth and immediately start balling but i quiet myself so I don't wake my mom or my sister. I sit up and wipe the tears away from my eyes. I hear a soft knock on my wall. I move the piece of wallpaper that my sister and i ripped to talk to each other when we are in our rooms. "Are you okay?" she whispers, her voice is cracked from crying. 

"I'm fine. Are you okay?" I ask back. 

"I'm okay." she says 

"Okay. Get some sleep."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too." I respond and fold the paper back. 

I set my head on my pillow and I fall asleep. 


I wake up to my alarm and instantly feel a rush of pain.  I then remember what happened last night. 

I sit up and throw the covers over my aching body. I go to the bathroom and examine my face. I see the dried up blood all over my nose, I take a wash cloth and wipe it away. I then look at my arms and see the bruises all on my wrists. I look at my thighs and see that I got scratched up pretty bad. 

I spent a half hour covering up my bruises and I made myself look acceptable. I go to my closet  and put on leggings and a sweater, to cover up all my bruises. I then help my sister get ready. I pick out her outfit and then do her hair. I then make breakfast for her. Smiley face pancakes with grapes on the side. I go to take a bite of her pancake but I remember that it has a lot of carbs and that means a lot of calories. I set the piece back down and just take a handful of grapes instead. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2016 ⏰

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