Lukas's idea (Part 8)

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100 views....?!AWESOME! Thanks everyone. Also Lukasse fans don't chase me with chainsaws and swords or a truck full of chainsaws and swords. Ignore this chapter if you hate Aiden please. Also to all you Jetra fans, I need a cover so please tag me if you do.
Lukas's pov
Today is the day... I need to hope they say yes!- "Lukas? You ready to go?" Shibe says.
"Sure," I say while she takes my arm.
Aiden's pov
I'm still amazed! REUBEN IS AMAZING! JESS IS AWESOME! JESSE IS SO COOL. He will soon be my brother in law. I can't believe it!Thank Notch that she accepted. If she didn't, I would cry. I love her to pieces, why does she like me back after what I did. I don't deserve a girl like her, she is kind, loving, awesome and always caring. I love her and that's all that matters. Jess and I still planning the wedding however we still need to cake, the ice sculpture and the flowers, other than that we have everything else; the venue, the best man and women and what we will wear. Im wearing a black suit with a stunning tie and my hair is gonna get done sadly. I don't know what she's wearing even though I know everything else! I'm worried. What if someone objects or worse what if someone objects AND SHE DECIDES TO LEAVE ME FOR HIM! Maybe I shouldn't worry, she loves me for everything I am and if she doesn't I have Maya. Except I will be heartbroken and she will leave me for someone else. (I NEED ANOTHER OC WHO LOVES AIDEN! NUFF SAID) I will never ever get back with Maya after everything! She left Jesse for me then left me for Jesse again and then left him for Gill. After she dumped Gill and then got back with him! LIKE WHAT THE FUDGE! (P.S I didn't want him to swear so I say fudge) She's such a player unlike Jess, I should never get together with her again- Why did I even consider getting back with her? Jess only knew that Jesse dated my once but she didn't know they got back together after she dumped me, then she dumped him for Gill. Such a cheat! Treating men like pawns in chess! SUCH STUPIDITY! SHE WILL NEVER EVER GET A BOYFRIEND FOREVER! SHE NEVER LOVED ANYONE, SHE NEVER FELT LOVE, SHE NEVER EVER LOVED ME, SHE NEVER LOVED JESSE! I hate her after everything I did for her this is how she repays me, she used me for my money. Men aren't users, they aren't abusers, they should be ashamed if they do! Women shouldn't do it either just cause men do it doesn't mean women should. Everyone is different, you don't know how they will act! MAYA IS A STUPID, IMMATURE, IRRESPONSIBLE GIRL!- "Aiden?" I hear say while knocking on the door.
"Come in," I reply while Lukas comes in.
"I need you help with Shibe," he says looking down.
"Wait your back already?" I say with a confused look
"Yes they said yes by the way," he says.
"Why?" I ask with a worried look.
"I met her parents and they approve of me however I don't know how to propose to her," he says avoiding eye contact and fiddling with his thumbs.
"Well I used Reuben to propose since I put a collar on him and then I took of the ring and then just proposed," I respond.
"That's actually really cute," Lukas says, "However I can't use yours. I have an idea."
"What is the idea?" I ponder.
"So basically I'm think of going on one knee-" he says just before I interrupt
"I wasn't finished," he responds, "I probably should have mentioned that I was going to pop balloons and one contains the ring stuck to a sticky note with the words 'Will you marry me?' while she wears headphones since it's very noisy popping 5 balloons. Plus she hates balloons. I will just pretend that Isa put the balloons so she doesn't hate me and dump me." My jaw drops. That's way better than my idea! HE IS SO ROMANTIC! Does he know he is?
"Woah..." I reply unable to shut my mouth.
"Is it a good idea?" he asks with a worried look.
"ITS BETTER THAN GOOD! Just don't think about it because she can read minds," I answer while trying to shut my jaw.
"Awesome! Maybe I should ask Jesse for advise as well. Thanks for helping Aiden," he says while leaving and shutting the door behind him.
Lukas's pov
Aiden loved my idea. I'm gonna go tell Jesse about it.
"About what?" Shibe says behind me.
"I'm thinking about my idea for your date," I lie and she can't tell when I lie.
"Okay see you tonight!" she replies smiling. "Bye." I wave and smile.
"SURE!" she replies looking back at me while walking. I give a smile and she smiles back, I look at her eyes, I swear I could get lost in them without a map.
I walk to the living room and see Jesse waiting for me, WITH AIDEN?!
Me: Why you surprised.
Me: Okay.
"Lukas... Just the person I wanted to see," Jesse says in a serious tone then continues, "Aiden has just told me about everything. It seems like your gonna need some help."
"Your gonna help me?" I ask with a worried look.
"Both of us! I mean what are bros for. We won't tell Axel since he will tell Olivia and we know she will definitely tell Shibe and that would be terrible," Aiden tell me.
"Aidens right about Axel. Plus we will be the one who puts the balloons there okay. You need to act shocked and don't think about the ring or which one its in. We will tell you 15 minutes before," Jesse says with a proud smile.
"Thanks you guys! You guys are the best and Axel is also a bro. Gill is meh." I say with a stray tear of joy falling from my eye. They both give a comforting smile before Jesse says, "Well how do we say this we have the balloons set up already all we need to do is put them there. By the way the middle one has the ring and sticky note.
"Thanks you guys! You guys are seriously the best," I say while pulling them in a group hug.
This is gonna be one awesome proposal...!
To be continued
This whole chapter was 1189 including this.
Lukas: Woah I'm not a romantic person.
Aiden: Then how did you think of the idea O-o
Me: He just did! :)
Aiden: Anyways I got to go plan for the wedding.
Me: Shukas fangirls...
Shukas fangirls: Yes?
Me: This whole chapter was dedicated to Shukas! :)
Shukas fangirls: IK :D
Lukas: I should get going bye! ^-^
Me: Till next time folks! :D

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