Lies on the Table

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After this huge fight,me and Olivia were back to our normal routine.With Olivia's father coming to town is not smart for me to be in a fight with Olivia.

Robert is not very fond of me.He thinks just because I'm younger than Olivia it means I'm not good enough for her.I think he has called me immature about ten times in my face.

Rocky has decided we should do a party.Like a family and close friends thing.He is going to Seoul soon so I guess he wants to get everybody together.

'I cannot believe your brother is taking a 23 hours flight to see a girl.' Olivia says as we drive to the band house.

'He likes her!' I try making a case for Rocky.'

'This girl did some serious work on Rocky.I haven't seen him so caught up in a girl since Alexa.' Olivia is right.It took some time but I think my brother is over his ex.

'I really need to talk to you when we get home.' Olivia says as we park in front of my siblings house.

'Yeah? About what?' I ask looking at her.She smiles and lends in kissing my cheek.

'Home.' She says before opening the door and getting out.

I observe her as she puts on her jacket.Olivia is extremely gorgeous.Sometimes I forget how amazingly beautiful she is.

I have to say Rocky knows how to throw a party.For someone who's going to take a long flight,he is enjoying himself.

'I just feel like it's weird.' I overhear Vanni says when I get in the kitchen.

'What's weird?' I ask and they all look at me.For Olivia's expression,I know she wants to joke with someone.Looks like our target is Vanni.

'She is just telling us a situation,daddy.' Olivia jokes in a serious tone.Daddy?! She normally doesn't call me that.Actually,she called me that once and for a joke.

I look at Vanni just standing by Rydel speechless.I am rather confused about what the joke is about.

'Van was just telling us how weird she thinks that her sister calls her boyfriend daddy and that he calls her mommy.' Alexa explains.I can see she is about to burst out laughing just like my sister.

'Seriously? Liv likes the mommy nickname.' I hug Olivia from behind and she can't help but laugh.

'You two are just messing with me!' Vanni exclaims and we all laugh.

'To be completely honest,he does call me mommy sometimes.' Olivia revels in between giggles.

'I don't wanna know how my brother turns you on,Olivia!' Rydel makes a disguising sound.

'Whatsoever,your brother is here.' Nate just arrived and I know Olivia misses her brother.

'Nate is here?' Liv asks but before I could answer,she runs to the living room.

'You know,I think the only person that Liv loves more than you is Nate.' Savannah points out standing next to me.My ex girlfriend and my actual girlfriend are friends but not the best kind of ones.

'It's her brother.' Sometimes I can't help but feel like Nate is always gonna Olivia's priority.I should be proud of her but my jealousy gets the best of me.It's ridiculous,I know.

'Have you told her that you're going to Jamaica?' Savannah asks and I look at her confused.

'How did you find out that I didn't tell her?' I ask surprised

'You know what Ryland? We broke up because you were so into you more than you were into us...and now you're making a different mistake with Olivia...She is not your fucking mother! It's joke what you did here with Vanni do act like she is your mother!' Her words hit me.I look around and observe we are alone in the kitchen.

'I don't think that!' I exclaim annoyed.

'Then why would you be afraid of her reaction then?' Savannah is extremely annoying sometimes.

'I just don't wanna let her down.' I whisper.She takes a deep breath and walks to the balcony picking a beer and lending it to me.

'Ryland,she is your girlfriend for two years.You live together and to be completely honest,I don't think you're gonna meet someone who completes you like Olivia.Don't mess the fuck up!' She exclaims.I take a huge part of a drink in one sip.

'Rydel said that I'll lose her if I keep being like this.' Savannah nods at my words.

'Just tell her.If she can handle your stupid jokes and still loves you,she will be ok that you'll be spending the holiday in Jamaica.Maybe she will even go with you.' Go with me? Impossible.

'She is going to Turks and Caicos with her Dad.' I tell Savannah.She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms in her belly.

'Let me guess? You told her you'd think of going.'

'I told her I couldn't go because her Dad will not like me being there and...that she should enjoy time alone with Robert and Nate.' I confess to Savannah my lie.She immediately slaps me in my arm.

'You're so stupid!' I was about to answer when Riker gets in the kitchen.

'Ex reunion party in the kitchen?' Riker jokes but Savannah storms out to the living room.

'What happened,man?' Riker asks as he picks a drink.

'I screwed up.' I tell him and he laughs.

'What's the news? You always do.' Riker jokes but I look at him seriously.

'Do you think I'm immature sometimes?' I ask him seriously but Riker is drunk.He obviously isn't taking me seriously.

'You're immature all the freaking time.Olivia is mature enough for the both of you,fortunately.' Riker pats my shoulder as he leaves.

I finish my beer and open another.I go to the living room and find my girlfriend having a conversation with her brother and my own.

I walk to them and Ross looks at me with a face that I've known my entire life.He sold me out.

'I didn't know you're hitting Jamaica,man! That place is so rad!' Nate exclaims happily but I look at his sister.

'Nate is staying at Meg's...Could you imagine?' Olivia says to me changing the subject.

'Sleeping with your sister's best friend,uh? Dirty move!' I put one arm around Olivia's shoulder and lend in to whisper in her ear.

'I'm sorry.' I whisper and she looks up to me.

'Home.' She whispers taking my arms off her shoulder.She smiles in her polite way and excuses herself.

I look at Ross and he gives a look

'Sorry man,I thought Livvy knew.' Ross explains himself

'Man you lied to her again?' Nate asks with a tone I'm much familiar with lately.


Looks like I have managed to screw things up with both Quinn siblings.


We know it's been a while but we just wanted to take a step back and think of how we are taking the story from now on.

Updates will be more often.

Much love x

Tris and Emma

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2016 ⏰

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