Dark Times

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I always toured with my siblings.It was always a wish of mine to do solo shows or at least,shows without siblings.So when Olivia Holt asked me to tour with her as her only opening act,I said yes without thinking twice

That's the problem.My girlfriend Olivia knows nothing about it.She was in New York the entire week and I didn't want to talk this over the phone.

'Ready to celebrate,man?' Luke gets in my apartment followed by my friends.

'Celebrate?' I ask as I get up.

'You're touring again man! That's dope!' Cody jumps around which makes me laugh.

'Nah,man...Liv is back tomorrow and I haven't even said a word of it to her.' I pick the bowl I was just eating popcorn to take to the kitchen.

'Olivia would celebrate too if she was here...' Cody starts

'And you know she is going to be happy about it...Liv is the wife of the year,man.' Luke jokes and I look at him.I hate when people think Olivia controls me like I'm her little puppy.

'Where are we hitting tonight?' I ask and they cheer.

'Get dressed,man.We are going to a club.' Luke exclaims happily.I'm going but I intend to come home early so that when Olivia arrives,she and I can talk about this tour idea.

The original idea was that until I caught myself more than drunk in the back of my car parked in front of my siblings house.It was almost sunrise and I knew if I drove home an accident would happen.I wanted to get out of the car and get inside but I don't have it in me.

I woke up with punches on the window.I open my eyes to see a very mad Rydel.I scroll the window and see my sister.To say she looks angry is an understatement.

'You have a freaking loft in West Hollywood and yet after partying you always decide to sleep in front of the house!' Rydel yells at me and my head blows.Ohh,the hangover.

'What time is it?' I ask her ignoring the yelling.

'Almost 11AM! Olivia has been calling non stop after you and I didn't have the guts to tell her you are AGAIN after getting drunk AGAIN and posting all of it on snapchat AGAIN.' Rydel exclaims.My sister never yells but when she does,it is ridiculously so loud.

'I'm going home,ok?' I jump into the front seat but doesn't stop Rydel from keeping with her speech.

'You are going to lose her,Ryland! Don't you see man? Olivia has forgiven you so many times I think you are out of limit.She will explode.Even the nicest of the girls has a limit she can take.' I look at my sister and drive away.Olivia would never abandon me.This is ridiculous.We love each other.

I get home with a package of donut and cups of coffees.Olivia is sit in the couch drinking coffee from her favorite mug.

'Hi,babe! How's NY?' I ask putting the coffees and donuts in the little table in front of her.

'Not as near as good as your week of partying.' Olivia looks at me.She has that look on her face when someone deeply disappoints you.It is normally there when she talks to her Mom.

'Liv,you know who I am.' She nods quickly at my explanation.

'I don't care you partying when I'm not around or having friends over in our loft...but,Ry,touring is always something we discussed.' She lends me the papers of the tour with Olivia.

'It is all over the Internet,Ry! You never even discussed that with me! Or at least,told me about it.I would love to know when my boyfriend travels or not.' She exclaims.I feel the hurt in her voice.We never had this talks.Me and Liv are always so open with each other.

'Liv,I just didn't want to discuss with you over the phone.' I explain and she looks at me then gets up.

'That's not good enough,Ry...We always discuss everything! Did you know that one of these days is my birthday? We were discussing on going to Paris on my birthday because I had already told you that I have to work through Fashion Week.' She reminds me.Ohh,shit.I didn't think of looking at the calendar.

'I can't go to Paris anymore.' I tell the obvious.

'I realized!' She exclaims putting her arms up.We never fight and when we do,I'm always the guilt.It is annoying.

'Olivia,I am going to tour and I'm sorry I didn't tell you! Ok?' I also get up.Things are escalating and I don't like it.

'Sorry is not good enough,Ryland! ' She exclaims.

'What else do you want,Olivia? You want me to cancel? You know I won't do that!' I observe as she takes a deep breathe.She does that when she is angry.

'I want you to...to be less of an idiotic ass!' She exclaims.I look at her shocked.She never swears at me.She realizes what she says and I feel truly hurt.

'Ohh,Liv!' Is all I can say.

'I think we have said enough.' She says as she walks to our bedroom.She closes the door but I won't let run from the fight like that.

I walk with determination to our bedroom and open the door.Olivia looks up from the bag she was undoing.

'You told me you wanted me to be less of an idiotic ass.Great,uh! Because I want you to be less of a boss.You sound like you're my wife! A bossy one!' I exclaim and she raises her eyebrows surprised.

'No one thinks I'm your wife!' She argues.

'Everybody thinks! Because you boss me around!' I reply stepping inside.

'I don't boss you around.I just want us to be a couple and talk like couples do.' She defends herself.

'Is this all about me going to tour? You are going to Fashion Week same time! Win-win.' I point out.

'Ohh,Ry...I was really considering to take the next month off for you so I could make it up for not being here for a month.' She revels.I was not expecting this.

'I was going to discuss this with you today but I guess you're hangover and I don't want to boss around.' I don't think me and Liv had a fight like this before.

'I'm going to go and boss in another place.' Olivia picks her purse and passes right through me.I hear the door close.

I don't understand what just happened.I do know I hurt Olivia and she hurt me.

And that never happened before.

Hello Hello! ❤️❤️❤️

Back with the Ryland AU.

Tell me what you think so far.


Tris and Emma

Actual Love (Ryland Lynch Story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu