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Two months ago
Third person's POV

Rosa stared out the window of the room they called hers for the past 2 weeks trying to remember something, anything but all that met her was a skull crashing headache.

"Rosa you cant keep doing this to yourself, your memories need to return on their own not by force. Remember what the silent brothers said force will only harm." Magnus said Rosa look up at Magnus in such despair that it broke the warlocks heart.

"Magnus am I forgotten? Is no one looking for me?" Rosa saw the look of shock and pain cross the face of a man that has live so long

"I believe the pain you feel of loss is felt by those you lost, I believe that they are using the pain to fuel their search for you but you must do your part as well. You must fight for them as well" and with those words started the beginning of something amazing.


Liam's POV

Why is this happening to me. I thought as I looked at the seat next to the one i was going to sit on. "Everyone take their seats please" Mr Yukimura said "Liam aren't you going to sit down"

"I don't know" I said as I look at the girl that I thought I would never again.

"Are you going to stand the whole class?" he smirked

"Maybe" seeing Mason cringe as he sees why I didn't want to sit down. The girl just chewed and glared at me

"Liam sit down" I sighed and sat down only to feel that I had sat on something. I look to see that it was chewing gum. I looked up and saw her smirk.


Why me? Thought as i changed my pants. Haven't I been through enough. I mean I have not been able to get into Rosa's dreams for the last three weeks and its make my wolf feel lost. Now I have to be with her back in my life.

I went to my locker to put away my dirty pants but when I opened it their was a picture hanging in front of me. It was a very old photo maybe the early 40's but the thing that stumped me the most was that it was a photo of Rosa and a Asian man with what looked like cat eyes.

I grabbed the photo and closed my locker only to come face to face with Hayden "Are you still mad at me?" I asked to receive a devilish smirk

"No. I'm not angry, I'm vengeful" she stated before turning around and walking down the hall leaving me slaming my head against my locker.

In a split second Hayden was forgot and my hunt for Scott and answers to this photo had began.
I found the pack in the library and they were listening to Stiles talk about   a two signatures not looking the same and how suspicious Theo is but it wasn't until he said that he was going to handle it himself that it gave me an idea that he could help me with the photo so I followed him to his jeep.

"So what's a --------?" I asked looking at the signatures

"Oh shut up" he said as he started the car. 

Rosa's POV

For the 50th time I was thrown back and on my butt. I looked up at Jace and saw a smirk on his face. "You find this so amusing don't you?" I said as I stood and brushed dirt off my butt.

"Extremely amusing, do you want to try again?" I glared at him because he know that I can't give up on a challenge. "Right stupid question" he chuckled as I threw a punch at him which he just dodged and threw me over his shoulder.

"So how are things with you and clary after the whole brother and sister thing happened" I said as I sent a series of rapid of kicks and punches his way

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