Would he be hiding from me? Would he even be hiding at all?

As my feet touched a hard surface, I noticed that I was in a tree. Right next to Loki.

I smirked at him. "So you were hiding."

He gave me a caustic look. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know. You'd probably want to escape somewhere where none of the Avengers know where to look for you." I offered.

"Thank you for the benevolent offer, but I have my own powers to help myself." He censured.

"Are you doubting my amicable offer?" I asked him.

"No, I just don't want to be around your haughty personality until I leave." He told me harshly.

"Fine." I told him, hopping down off the tree.

I looked up one last time at him before he jumped down right beside me, grabbing my arm.

He inspected it carefully, like it could break off any second.

"What happened?" He demanded.

I looked down at my blue arm. None of the blue had faded away yet, but it still stung like fire.

"Someon- something grabbed my arm and made it turn blue." I told him hastily.

He thought for a moment, then looked over at my hands.

"Touch it."

I gave him a glare. "What?"

He rolled his eyes. "Take your hand and touch the spot that is blue."

"Oh." I said quietly, reaching my hand to touch the blue.

It instantly faded away, just like it had came. Instantly.

"What was the.... 'thing' that did this?" I asked Loki.

He looked over at me from his stare at the trees. "Frost Giants." He replied hastily. "But, therefore, I am one as well."

I squinted my eyes. "Am I supposed to know who they are.. or?..." I trailed off.

"If you know me personally, then you would know about them." He told me, glaring.

"I'm sorry, but I do not know you personally." Was my reply.

He sighed, starting to walk ahead of me.

I ran up behind him, pulling his shoulder towards me.

"Where do Frost Giants come from?" I asked.

"Jotunheim." He replied.

"Why did one come for me?"

He looked into my eyes. "How am I supposed to know that?"

"You're a great guesser."

"How do you know? For one, I could be a really bad one. And two, like you said before, you do not know me personally."

"I can jump to conclusions. There's nothing wrong with that."

"Yes, yes there is. You can be wrong and then think something of someone that is unpleasant thoughts." He told me.

"That's not what I was thinking in this case." I argued.

"How do you positively know that?"

"Because it's my head."

"I can read minds."

Knowing this argument was going nowhere, I decided to get back to the topic.

"Were getting off track; why do you think this 'Frost Giant' was here?" I asked bluntly, making air quottions.

He hesitated for a moment before looking straight into my eyes.

"Maybe your mother sent them."

* * * * *

Hey guys! I am so excited that I have over 2,000 reads. :) You guys are truly amazing. Since I saw that I'm like 'People gave me motivation and got me over 2,000 reads. So I'm going to sit down and write a chapter.' And this is what I came up with. Also, I've been getting some really good ideas for this story for more people to think it's amazing, and they'll come in the future. Anyways, I was listening to my playlist as I wrote this chapter and a song came on that gave me some really good ideas. The song for this story is...

Angel by Within Temptation

Also, sorry it's so short and for the long words. @.@

Love you guys!

Loki (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now