As you where.

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"Hello...Anyone there?" I walked around in circles frantically looking at the trees.
Oh why did I decide to take another walk... deeper into the woods? Only an idiot does something so reckless and STUPID.

"Would you shut it already?" A male's voice called from behind. I quickly jump around. My dark hair twirled round me and hit me straight in the face.

"Yeah you're giving me a bloody headache!" Another spoke in with a welsh accent.
I hid the small smile spreading across my face. See I believe that I am a pretty good actress, now I would finely be able to test my skills.

"I didn't say anything. I know this is probably not the best time to ask but which way is the small Woodcutter Cabin?" Again with the batting of my lashes.
The guy stepped forward from behind a tree and he had a devilish smirk plastered on his stupid face. Okay he wasn't that bad looking but in a situation like this, one cannot focus on the others sexiness. Ugh I mean hotness...You know what maybe I should stop thinking.

"Oh honey where we're going is much, much better than some fire hazardous cabin" He slowly stepped closer. His eyes traveled up and down. THAT FREAKING PERV.

I rolled my eyes at him. Oh hell no! Someone hold my hoops! I'm about
I stared at him. He was inches from my face. What is it with guys and personal space? He slowly lifted his hands. I flashed him the 'please don't hurt me' look. Little did he know?

When his hand was on my shoulder, I grabbed his arm and twisted it around and pushed it against his back. LIKE A BOSS. I swiped my foot at his legs and caused him to topple over. While The Perv fell, the other guy came up behind me and tried to stab with a dagger. I shot him a death stare. "Now you've done it!" I yelled and wrestled him till I was the one the knife. He was on the ground holding his bruised stupid head. "What-wha-?" He looked up at me confused. "What are you?" I stared at him for a second then to my surprise The Perv was gone. How unexpected. "Shut up." I said and walked away.

Well I am still heading north. I had no way of knowing how far I was supposed to be going. oh well guess I will just have to make due. I hope that the pervs don't bother me again. Look I am capable of defending myself but against a more experienced vampire, I am basically running around screaming: "Come and kill me, I'm suicidal!'' so sorry I do not think I am up for it. I actually like living...


Hello and I do apologize for the short chapter or piece of the main chapter but relax more is coming! Keep your hair on mates.

If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask😉

The following part will consist of the characters details and more.

If you like go ahead and tap or press the star. Sorry I am a little out of date with today's technology but hope you enjoyed it and stay tuned cause next time OUR little...hero...anti hero...who ever the hell she is, is going on a trip down memory lane.


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