2-"The Housemaid?"

Começar do início

For a moment,he stopped talking and something in me felt like I beat him.So I decided to be on my way out.But just as I was about to leave I heard his voice. Ugh! He still has the guts to talk!

"Think about it, be my housemaid, listen to me my housemaid. Not anybody's. Yeah I have two children, and their teenagers.A boy and a girl.The boy is alright but the girl is clumsy.She can be somehow annoying but I bet you, you'll get to like her"

Aaaah! The story for the gods.keep talking, I'll always yawn when I'm interested.

"Look I promise you, you'll serve only me.You'll be my assistant. Okay! I know you may not like it,but I'll pay you well.Your salary will be weekly,but If I forget your salary and you end up staying in my house, it'll be monthly, and I promise to double up the price."

My oh my! This guy must be really rich.

"Look,i like you, and I know you could be a perfect maid/assistant to me."

You like me? Did he say he liked me? Dude, when did we meet.How long do we know each other. Just for some 30 minutes of unluck, and you say you like me. Oh men!

"Think about it, this is a good opportunity. Now give me your number" His voice sounded like a command.

What? A phone number? But I don't even have a phone. What I'm I gonna say now. Oh man! I can be poor as fuck!

"Ermm ...I don't know my number." I stammered.

Man! I couldn't just say I don't have a phone. I have to let him have some respect for me at least.

"Ha! I know you don't wanna give me your number, because of what I did,but anyways, I'll give you mine." He said giving me a smile.

But what did he do?oh! Is it because he said I'm not qualified? Oh well!I guess I'm used to being  unlucky. Its no big deal!

"But what did you do?" I asked looking confused.

"So you don't remember, or you don't wanna remember?" He slurred.

"No I don't know" I said, looking more confused.

"Well if you don't remember, that's your problem. Now let me give you my number"

Ugh! Stupid girl! You could have just said you forgot your phone.

"Well why do you want to give me your number?"

"So that I'll call you. dummy"

Dummy! Did he just call me a dummy? Who the heck does he think he is.

"Well okay." 

I took a piece of paper from my bag,expecting him to speak

"What are you doing?" He asked looking confused.

"I wanna write your number?

"No! No! What?" He said in amusement.

"Now give me your phone"

"But why,why do you want my phone?" I frowned.

"So I could text my number on it,silly"

Okay that does it! I won't have you insult me. No sir! From dummy to silly then what next? Maybe I should take it easy. He was just kidding!He was just kidding!

"So?" He asked.

"You see I left my phone at home that's why I'm doing all these."

"Oh c'mon why would you leave your phone. You got alzeimher's or something?" He said in amusement.

I was getting bored already.

"Sir I'm waiting" I said.

"Don't call me sir, call me Arthur"

"Okay Arthur,I'm waiting" I heaved a long sigh before answering.

After giving me his number,I was on my way out when he stood up to open the door for me.

Aaah! What a gentleman!

Before I left he whispered in my ear "Think about it."

Damn he was so close, I felt like hugging him.The scent of his shirt was killing me. I had to control myself before doing anything foolish.

"And by the way, sorry for touching your butt" He gave me a devilish grin like he didn't regret anything.

A/N:I know this is a boring chapter as usual lame,but don't worry I guarantee the third chapter is gonna be a better one.This is unedited, so please take into consideration the slight mistake that I made. Well thanks for making this book reach
#531 in chicklit<love you guys
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 The Billionaire Stole My Heart Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora