"What was that all about?" Aaron murmured, stroking my hair.

I kissed him. "I think dinner is burning."


When morning came I laid back in bed, woken up by Aaron whistling in the shower. Just as the noise came to a stop, I opened my eyes again and noticed a light flashing on the bedside table. I sighed deeply before going to investigate. It was Aaron's phone. He had a message of some sort judging by the soft glow of his phone.

The screen was black, and when I pushed the side button and it lit up, I was met with a lock screen.

"What are you doing?" Aaron asked from behind me.

"I was going to stop the light from blinking," I explained. Why was my voice so wobbly?

He walked over to me and held out his hand. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair was wet, combed backward in a very sexy, pre-dried manner. I handed him his phone and his fingers swept over it for a few seconds. Ashamed of myself, I got out of bed while Aaron left the bedroom, still on his phone.

Minutes after, I returned to meet him still on his phone, smiling as he typed away. I set off to make some tea, slightly suspicious of the person he was always texting. As I filled the kettle with water and set it on the stove, Aaron emerged from the hallway leading to the bedroom wearing a nice bespoke blazer and blue jeans.

"Going somewhere?" I stood at the kitchen island, watching him fiddle with the collar of his white pressed shirt.

"Out." He briefly turned to face me before running his hand through his hair and slicking it back. "I won't be long though. Just meeting up with a friend."

"A friend?"

"Yes. Liam."

He walked past me and I followed him to the door, adjusting the collar of his blazer. His keys were on the counter and he grabbed them along with a pair of black shades. He placed his shades on and kissed me on the cheek goodbye.

"I'll be back later. Do you need anything while I am out?"

"No." I waved him off. "Have fun." I muttered when he turned and smiled at me one last time before walking out of his flat, closing the door behind her.

I stood there for a moment, confused and slightly irritated. With Aaron or myself, I wasn't sure.


"Tash, what's a deal breaker for you in relationships?" I'd rang her up to tell her about the ring but decided against it.

"Bad sex." Natasha replied.

Was she reading my mind? Being who she was, I shouldn't be surprised by her answer.

"Actually it depends on the person." I found myself saying instead of agreeing with her. In my case, I could keep telling him what I liked and what to do, hopefully in time, sex wouldn't be a problem anymore.

Completely baffled at my answer, Natasha asked, "What? So you mean to tell me you will put up with bad sex in your relationship?" Shit. Was she on to me?

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