"The Time of My Life"

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It was harder than Clarke thought it would be to help Jess get ready. After an extensive search through her closet, Clarke had slowly figured out that Jess had an 'interesting' sense of style that wasn't exactly meant for booty call dates. So instead of trying to work with the assortment her friend had, Clarke chose to raid her own closet. Running a finger across the dresses hanging up in the closet, she hesitated on what to actually pick out for her quirky friend. Her eyes landed on a pretty black dress she didn't get to wear much and a smile lit up her face as she grabbed ahold of the fabric.

Clarke rushed over with the dress, slightly worried about what happened since she left Jess alone for a prolonged period of time. But apparently she should have been less worried about Jess and more worried about leaving Jess' model best friend alone with the guys. When she opened the door she was met with the sight of a shirtless Schmidt and an unfazed looking Cece.

"This is why I can't bring my female friends around anymore." Clarke complained. "Come on Cece, you can help me with Jess." The indian woman got up and headed off towards Jess' room. Clarke hung back slightly and sent a glare towards Schmidt. "Jar. Now." Coach and Nick coughed to cover up their laughs as Schmidt smirked at their friend, depositing a dollar into the douchebag jar. Leaving the guys to sit in the living room, Clarke left to go help Cece deal with Jess.


"Okay. Let's go, come on." Cece helped Jess up off the floor. "You gotta take off those overalls."

Jess gave her best friend a smile, "I was going for, like a, like a hot farmer's daughter kinda thing, you know like-Oh, I'm to go milk my cows, with my bucket."

Cece shook her head in disapproval. "Take 'em off."

"Okay, what am I going to wear?"

Clarke walked into the door and gave the brunette a big smile, "I've got just the thing!" She showed Jess the dress she'd found, "Now take off those dreadful overalls. You look like a farmer."

Looking down at the overalls and then back at the dress, Jess paused a moment before holding out her hand for Clarke to hand over the black fabric. Stripping out of the farmer look, she turned around for Cece to zip her up and once she turned back both of her friends had a proud gleam in their eyes.

"This guy isn't going to be able to look away from you Jess. You look fucking fabulous." Clarke said, giving Jess a huge smile. Cece nodded in agreement giving the Danvers woman a thankful nod for helping Jess get out of the funk she'd been in.

The two walked out to get the guys ready for the big reveal, both having proud smiles on their face. With the guys' attention on them, Cece motioned for Jess to walk out and the guys looked on in shock. Gone was the sobbing mess that had been moping around the loft and in her place was a beautiful and confident woman.

"Wow!" Coach's eyes were wide as he took in Jess' new look.

"Thanks Coach." She gave him a thankful smile, then she burst into an awkward dance.

Schmidt shook his head in slight disappointment knowing that Jess would never change, "And then she does that!"

Clarke laughed and smiled fondly at the quirky brunette. It was just who Jess was as a person and she wouldn't want to change a thing. She was growing attached to the weirdness Jess brought into the group's friendship- no matter how annoyed she got at their newest member.

Finally stopping her strange dancing, Jess pulled out her phone. "I'm gonna text him and tell him I'm heading over."

"Wait, have you been texting him?" Nick asked. He gave Clarke a concerned look wondering if she'd known what Jess was doing. The Danvers shook her head slightly to let him know she had no idea.

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