"We'll Fix It"

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Letting herself in with the spare key that the guys had given her, Clarke walked into 4D with a box of cookies in hands. She set the box down on the kitchen counter, looking around the room for her friends who would have normally greeted her by now. Instead, she found a woman sitting on the couch, staring at her in confusion.

Clarke gave the girl a half-hearted wave, "Sorry, you must be one of Schmidt's girls. Listen, I don't know if he's given you the talk already, but he's not looking for a relation-"

"NO!" The woman gave her a wide doe-eyed look, finally understanding what Clarke thought. "Roommate! I mean, I'm interviewing to be their new roommate." The brunette offered Clarke her hand, "I'm Jess."

Clarke shook her hand, "Clarke, I'm in 4E" She nodded her head towards the box of cookies sitting on the counter. "Help yourself, the guys are animals when it comes to Sweetums so I suggest you grab one before they're gone."

"Sweetums?" Jess got up to grab a cookie. Taking a bite, she stared wide-eyed at the woman beside her. "These are amazing!" she sang, which earned a look of confusion from Clarke.

"It's the bakery I work at and thanks, I made that batch this morning" Clarke told her, still giving her a weirded out expression. "Do you know where the guys are?"

Jess nodded towards the bathroom, "Schmidt said he needed to 'talk to his boys' and then they all went into the bathroom."

"God, please tell me Nick or Coach made him put money in the jar?"

When she saw Jess nod, Clarke let out a sigh of relief. She started walking over to the bathroom with Jess following after her like a lost puppy. Right when she was about to knock on the door to get the guys' attention, the women heard Schmidt talking.

"Executive decision, she's in."

Jess let out a noise of excitement, "Yay, I'm in!" She hugged Clarke, who awkwardly stood there patting the brunette's shoulder.

Schmidt opened the bathroom door, all of the guys seeing Jess squeezing Clarke. Their friend mouthed 'Help me' desperately wanting the perky woman to stop touching her.

Finally noticing that the guys opened the door, Jess let go of Clarke and gave them all a big smile. "You are not going to regret this!"

- One Week Later -

Frantic knocks on her door interrupted Clarke right when she was about to put in her next batch of cupcakes. Haphazardly shoving her trays onto the kitchen counter, the woman hurried over to the door, wondering who could possibly need her so badly. When she opened it, Coach was on the other side looking extremely freaked out.

"She won't stop crying and I tried to make her stop, but I only made it worse. You're a girl, fix Jess." Coach pulled her out her apartment, shoving Clarke over towards 4D, ignoring her protests as she complained about him interrupting her baking.

After a final shove to get her through the door, Clarke was inside the guys' apartment, coming just in time to see Schmidt attempting to help Jess. Laughing as Schmidt was compared to Gandalf, Clarke moved over to sit by the disheveled brunette occupying the couch. Nick and Schmidt quickly got relieved looks on their face, glad to have a female present to 'fix' Jess.

"Come on Jess, get that pretty head of yours up off the couch." Clarke told her in a soothing tone "You won't meet any cute guys by staying inside the apartment all day." All three guys looked offended at her playful joke, but none of them complained since Clarke managed to get Jess to sit up. "See isn't that better already? I'll even help you get ready tonight, get you dolled up and ready to get back into the game."

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