"Hole-ly Crap"

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Turning the key and hearing the satisfying click of the door unlocking, Clarke Danvers shuffled into her apartment tired after a long day at work. Kicking off her shoes, she slumped down face first on her on her couch in desperate need of a nap. A repetitive banging noise could be heard in the apartment next door. Clarke groaned loudly as the sound continued, shoving her head under a pillow to try and block it out. It had been four days since she moved in and so far she had yet to meet the people living next to her, but they definitely made a lot of noise that annoyed Clarke to no end.

She lifted her head up to glare at their shared wall. "I swear if they don't shut up soon, I'm going to punch a hole in the wall so I can scream at them." Pressing the pillow harder over her head, Clarke did her best to muffle the obnoxious commotion in the hopes of getting a few hours of sleep.

Suddenly a hammer came crashing through the wall Clarke had previously been glaring at, scaring the hell out of her. She was completely kidding when she said she wanted a hole in the wall, but apparently life thought she was serious. Lifting her head up to stare at the chunks of plaster incredulously, Clarke almost didn't notice the people standing on the other side of the gapping hole.

"I told you it was a bad idea to let Nick use a hammer"

Walking over, Clarke was still in shock as she took in the destroyed wall. "Hole-ly Crap"

The three guys on the other side stared at the brunette in confusion. "Did she just make a pun?"

"It's how I cope with things, so I'd shut up unless you want me to start screaming" she told them with a glare.

One of them have her a charming smile, "Hey girl, this isn't the only hole I'd-"

Before he could finish, both guys on either side of him gave him a disgusted look, "Jar!"

The dark haired male walked away, muttering angrily under his breathe. This left his two friends and Clarke staring at the destroyed wall. The dark skinned male gave her an awkward smile, "We'll fix this."

Clarke gave the wall a once over, "This wasn't exactly how I thought I'd meet my neighbors. 4D certainly knows how to introduce themselves."

What started with a hole in the wall turned into a dysfunctional friendship between Clarke and the guys living in 4D.

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