Bokuto Koutarou | Think before you speak

Start from the beginning

Doooo ittttt...

"S-Sure, Bokuto-San!" You say before the two of you begin to walk. As you walk along side him, the urge to tell him your feelings grew stronger.

Now is your chance, just say it!

"Umm... need t-to tell you something..." You stop your stride. Bokuto turns to you and gives you a questioning look. You clench your fists at your sides and build up the courage to speak,

"I-I.... Erm....I really...l-like you... B-Bokuto-San..." You murmur. You feel a large lump in your throat as you wait for his answer.

Bokuto had his answer alright. He was mentally screaming in joy because the one girl he found the cutest had just confessed to him. Yes, Bokuto had chosen you out of all the girl's in your school. He loved the way you tucked your (h/c) hair behind one ear when you were trying to work in class. He loved the way the corner of your eyes wrinkle up when you laugh. And most of all, he loved it when you cheered for him at his games. It makes Bokuto feel invincible having you supporting him.

And now here you were, confessing your love to him. It was as if the angels answered his prayers. Bokuto had been playing out this moment in his head for a while now, every time it ended with you giving him a peck on the cheek before he swoops you off your feet. But today, it didn't end like bokuto had planned.

His big mouth opened before he could think of the perfect answer to your confession. Bokuto had no idea what to say, so he let his stupidity take over to cover for his lack of intelligence. He was known for his big mouth, and know here it was, about to ruin everything with just one simple statement,

"Of course you like me! All the girls probably do, for I am the best Ace there is! I'm used to hearing this all the time, so there's no need to be nervous!"

The big mouth had spoken, and the girl's heard was broken.


Bokuto cringed to himself on how horrible that had sounded. He tried to play it off by putting how hands on his hips triumphantly and pointing his head up, but he looked back down at you in fear for what you were going to say.

Bokuto instantly regretted everything as soon as his eyes landed on your face.

Your (e/c) eyes were wide as tears fell from them profusely. You were looking down, so he could barely see the way you sniffed and tried to compose yourself. Your shoulders were hunched up and your fists were clenched so hard that your nails were digging into your palms. Your face was red in embarrassment and you squeezed your eyes shut, causing more tears to fall.

The two of you didn't notice Akaashi, who was just catching up to the two of you when he saw what had just happened. He didn't need to ask to know that Bokuto didn't think before he spoke. Keeping his straight face, Akaashi lunged his hand for the back of Bokuto's uniform collar. In a menacing tone that Bokuto barely never heard from him, Akaashi whispered into Bokuto's ear,

"Baka. Think before you speak." When he finished talking, Akaashi yanked on Bokuto's collar and dragged him around the corner, away from you. Bokuto fought against Keiji's grip on him, but the dark haired setter continued to pull the foolish captain away.

Once they were far enough away from you to hear, Akaashi let go of Bokuto's collar and shoved him against the wall. Bokuto let out a hiss of pain as his shoulder slammed into the wall behind him but turned back to Akaashi in slight fear.

"This is not the first time you opened your mouth before your brain could function, but this time was unacceptable. That was very uncool of you, Bokuto-San. You probably broke her heart." He said with his usual cold stare.

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