ch. 11 searching

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Dimitri POV:

I scanned the slave house sight again as I took a sip of the O- blood. I stared at the screen, hoping for something to come up.


Not even her name. I hacked the security system for the third time rewatching the footage of the man who took her. I watched as her blonde hair fell from her pale face. I paused the black and white footage when I heard a knock on my door.

"Who could it be!" I yelled at the door.

I watched as Alexia opened it and closed it softly. I rolled my eyes at her as I looked down to watch the screen again.

"Baby can you stop?" Alexia walked behind me and started massaging my shoulders.

I sat quietly. My blank expression didn't change as the numbers and letters of the hacking site zoomed through.

"Come on.  It's been months now. She's gone. Why did you even like her anyway?" Alexia pouted behind me. I ignored her while she ranted on more. "She is just a slave girl Dimitri. Let her go. Pay attention to your fiance." Alexia spun my chair around so I was facing her again.

"Dammit Alexia. Stop being a pest and get the he'll out." My brows furrowed as I rubbed my forehead.

I turned back around to face the bright computer screen in the dark room. I laid my head down on my desk as I felt a tear roll down my face.

I peeked my head up looking at a picture of her in that blue dress I had given her.

I jumped as I heard a 'bleep' from my computer. A picture of Emi's face popped up on the screen. My eyes widened as a video popped up for me to watch.

I immediately clicked on it and sat quietly as I saw her walking into a house with the same man who bought her.

My phone sat next to me and I grabbed it as quickly as I could. I flipped it open and dialed Samuels phone.

It rang for what felt like forever.

"Hello." I heard a sleepy voice on the other end answer.

"I-I" I broke down in tears as I watched my Emi being pushed into the house. "I found her." I sobbed. My tired eyes hurt from lack of sleep.

Samuel jumped and dropped his phone. He thew on clothes as fast as he could and drove down to the palace.

I waited outside in the crisp air for him to arrive. I got in the car, telling Samuel the adress. He typed it into his GPS hastily.

"Your destination is 27 hours away. Is that alright?" The GPS spoke in a monotone voice.

I pressed yes and it told us where to go.

I could feel the sleepiness overpower me. The bags under my eyes taking control of my body. The darkness consumed me while Samuel drove quickly down the roads.

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