ch.8 mine

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Just a warning:
This chapter has mature content. Avoid reading if you dont like it. If you don't read it you will miss a lot of information. Just a warning to my readers.

Emi POV:

Samuel looked at me while we sat in history class. I stared at Dimitri. He was so jealous. How am I going to tell Samuel about Dimitri? How will he react? I shook my head and closed my eyes resting my head in my arms. Samuel rubbed my back as I sat there for a second. I took a deep breath and sat back up looking at samuel and smiling before turning back to look at Dimitri as he taught.

When class ended I headed to the library. I switched from PE to a photography club. I listened as everyone talked about cameras and their favorite pictures. I just sat by the teacher as she flipped through photography books.

I met up with Samuel after class and he walked me to the front of the building as we waited for our cars. Dimitri told me this morning he was going to pick me up from there. I stood with Samuel as his hand slipped into mine. I grasped it slowly, hesitantly. We sat in silence as I waited for Dimitri to drive up.

"What's wrong Emi? Is something off today?" Samuel grabbed my face and looked at me concerned.

"N-nothings wrong Sammy. I'm fine. Why do you ask?" I smiled it off.

"There is something wrong. What is it? Don't make me force it out of you." Samuel joked.

I giggled at his remark. "Sammy please don't try." I knew he could. Sammy was a werewolf. He could glammer me. (A term used to say hypnotized. It is done by looking into each other's eyes. You don't have to speak though as the werewolf can read your mind instead of speak to you.)

"Dont act weird then weirdo." Sammy chuckled.

I heard a whistle and turned towards Dimitri's car as he drive up. "Bye bye Sammy!"

"Goodbye darling." Samuel waved.

Dimitri opened the door and took a chance to give Samuel a small glare. I sat in the car as Dimitri grabbed my hand and drove.

"Did you tell him?" Dimitri squeezed my hand softly to get my attention.

"Samuel? Not yet." I didn't look at Dimitri.

"Why not?"

I stayed silent.

"When will you?" Dimitri changed our hand position.

"Soon." I looked out the window.

I stared into the silent space of the woods as we arrived upon the castle. Dimitri released my hand and went around to open my door. I stepped out into the warm afternoon air. Dimitri lead me inside. I walked up to my room and changed into my servant clothes. I pulled my hair up and started on my afternoon chores.

I made dinner and, again, I did the laundry. I was exhausted from hand washing some of them and moving through the humongous room to switch machines. Thank goodness there are five of every machine.

I just wanted to sleep. I stumbled to Dimitri's room and saw him sitting on his bed reading a book. He looked up at me and gave me a generous smile, but I couldn't give one back. I just looked at him with my tired eyes as he stood up and I started walking slowly towards him. I fell into his arms and he caught me holding me tightly. I hugged him back with my weak arms. Dimitri lifted me up off the ground holding my straddled legs on each one of his hips. I hung onto his neck as he carried me to his bed.

Dimitri later me down and I was to tired to fight him back tonight. Dimitri kissed my lips slowly, taking me in. He had one hand grasping onto one of my wrists and the other one was holding my waist. I held my arms above my head as Dimitri was slowing making my shirt leave contact with my skin. I felt my heart rate rise as I felt the cold air on my stomach. Dimitri kissed down my cheek and picked my ear, giving it a small bite. He danced his lips down my neck, leaving a wet trail.

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