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Samuel POV:

"Allen. Am I correct?" I asked cautiosly, not wanting to make him feel strange.

The man smiled at me when Emi had left the room. "Yes. That's correct." He stood up and glanced at me with a slight glare.

"Sir? My name is Samuel Collins. I am a police in training and would like to inform you that the department is doing a fill house sweep of your living. " I said with a smirk on my face.

"An inspection? I was not informed of this. When will it be?" Allen asked me as he took hold of the tea cup and coffee mug from the table.

"Later this evening with your permission sir." I informed him.

"This evening? Why so soon?" Allen furrowed his brows at me in confusion.

"We are suspecting that you hold a slave that does not belong to you.  A young girl we believe. We are inspecting other suspects at the moment." My tone of voice stayed professional.

"You may inspect, but the only personal of the household are me and my wife." Allen washed dishes in the kitchen as I leaned against the marble counter.

"Thank you for your kindness sir." I told as I waved a little. "Pleasure doing business with you. Now I must be on my way."

Allen waved at me as I left through the front door of his home.

I watched as Dimitri practically jumped out of the car when he saw me. "Is she?" He pleaded. "Oh Samuel tell me she is!"

I never thought I would see a prince act like such a child. "She's here. Have you informed the police?" I asked as I waved my flashlight at him.

"They will be her later tonight with my accompany." Dimitri turned back serious. 

"Sounds like a good idea." I replied.

We sat in silence as Dimitri drove us to a hotel. We pulled up at the rickety old hotel awaiting the county police.  

Dimitri POV.

I pulled up to the rustic-looking house, the police closely following. I knocked on the door politely.

no answer.

Again I knock politely.

Again no answer.

I raised my foot and bent my knee back before kicking in the door.  


I pulled Emi into my black car with me. Her beautiful eyes turned dull over the time we were separated. Her blonde hair was in mats laying beside her face. Emis soft pink lips are now pale and chapped. I felt like crying by just looking at her poor thin figure.

"Emi. I've missed you so badly." I grabbed her hand softly. "Its been so hard at the palavce without you. I cant belive your ok. I thought I would never ever get to see you again. " I paused to catch my hurried breath.

"yea.....That's great and all....But..

Who are you?"

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