
"Spit it."

"Huh? What? My gum? "

"No! You idiot!!"

   Rio's P.O.V brought to you by me~

"Spit it."

Huh?  Spit what? My gum? Karma...just ew!

"Huh? What? My gum? "

I was so confused at this point.

"No! You idiot!!"

Oh he's upset..

"Then what?" I asked.

He turned around and motioned to Nagisa.

"Just what the hell do you know that I don't?  Just what's wrong with him?!"
Karma asked.

Hmmm~ So that's how it is. Nice

"*sigh that's something you ask him.  If you want to know something hear it from his mouth not mine."

He looks a little disappointed and..flustered? With a little bit of annoyance?

Hmm~ well this isn't a face you see on Akabane every day~ oh Rio focus!.

"Anyway  I'm need to go now. Don't you even dare leave hime alone. Do you hear me? Stay.By.His.side"

                 Karma's P.O.V

    If i didn't know Rio I would have thought she was going to bite my head off by how serious she looked. Which is something you don't see often.

"O-okay. Don't worry I wasn't planning to anyway." I said.

"Good!. Know take care okay?"

"Yeah don't worry."

Right after that the door closed and I was still here with an unconscious Nagisa.  WHICH I'M STILL HAVING HARD TIME COMPREHENDING!!


        Nagisa's P.O.V

   It was dark. It was dark but it was really calming..and warm?.

Was all I felt for a while till I felt something cold being placed on my head. There were voices around me but I couldn't tell who it was. It was like I was under water.

Not only because the voices weren't clear but also because my chest felt really tight. Wait! Shit this is bad.

I suddenly hear the door being shut.


I open my eyes slowly to see who was there.  At first it came out as a red blur but when my vision focused a little it was Karma.

             Karma's P.O.V

I turn around quickly as I hear a voice. It was Nagisa. I couldn't really tell whathe said. His voice was low and a little raspy.

"Nagisa! You're awake! Are you okay"

As I walk closer his face was not looking normal colours and his breathing seemed way to off even for someone with a fever.

                  Nagisa's P.O.V

"Nagisa! You're awake! Are you okay?" Karma asks walking closer.

I want to reply and ask him questions or say anything, but my voice won't come out. He notices and I can see a worried look plastered on his face.

It hurts.

                   Karma's P.O.V

"Oi!  Nagisa are you okay? What do you need?" Is he having difficulty breathing?  What should I do? 
I was pulled out of my thoughts by a  rapid coughing. He was on his side clutching his chest.It sounded painful just hearing it. He suddenly pointed at his school bag so I rushed to it as fast as a 3 feet dash can be. Grab it and go back beside him.

All I heard was some wheezing and coughing until he told me with a raspy voice.

"O-open*cough  i-t. ." He said pointing at the biggest zipper.

I open it to find what seemed like an-


Heloo~ Does this chapter even make sense?  XD I Tried to make this one longer then the last one but guess what? I DECIDED TO LEAVE IT A CLIFF HANGER! ! I know I know. I'm so loved right now Xb lol jk I'll try and update soon till then ..Bye~☆

 The Secrets He Keep    (KarmaXNagisa)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن