She's Mysterious

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The first thing Arthur heard when he woke up was Merlin's tinkling laugh. That was good; it meant that Sir Lancelot had found her and somehow convinced her to come. He must have had some sort of sibling power to get through her thick head. Then he frowned to himself. Why would Merlin be in his bed chambers? Why would any of his knights be in his bed chambers while he was sleeping?

Arthur shifted slightly, perhaps hoping to confront them about it – he wasn't entirely certain –, but then pain flared in his abdomen. He couldn't stop the whoosh of air that came out as he laid back down, an arm reflexively curling around his stomach. Merlin's rich laugh stopped and he heard people shuffling around him. The young king forced his eyes open, ignoring the voice in the back of his head that told him to go back to sleep.

Blue eyes opened to stare into the ocean blue eyes of his one true love. He smiled, forgetting that he heard other people in the room. For once in his life, it didn't matter that anyone else was watching. All he wanted to do was lean into her touch and kiss her passionately. Unfortunately, Merlin pulled away, letting Gaius lean over him. Arthur could honestly say that the first view wasmuch better. As if she could read his mind, the bandit queen smirked down at him from the corner of his eye. Arthur rolled his eyes at her and her smirk widened.

Then Gaius was asking him how he was feeling and what hurt and was anything blurry and to keep his eyes. Arthur complied quickly, thinking only of going over to Merlin and kissing her senseless. That was when he realized that he was wearing his nightclothes only. It wasn't proper for her to see him like that! Against his will, Arthur's face lit up bright red. Merlin's smirk somehow got even wider. He settled for just glaring.

That was when he heard Gwaine's snickering from the other side of the room. The little weasel was laughing at him! That traitor! Wait... traitor...

And just like that, Arthur's mind snapped back to the present, remembering the past events. He remembered trying to fight off Morgana, who had opted to use a sword instead of her wicked magic. He had been gaining the upper hand before she snarled and his sword became too hot to grasp. Arthur had dropped it reflexively and Morgana had rammed her blade into his stomach. Arthur remembered staring her in the eyes, remembered seeing the brief flicker of his sister in her eyes, the brief look of horror that set in her eyes when she looked down at her rapidly reddening hands. Then it was lost in a look of icy emeralds and she twisted the blade before ripping it out. He didn't remember anything beyond that.

They must have somehow gotten out of the throne room and to the small cottage set up for their protection in case of exile. It was a safe haven to regroup and heal and plan. And now Merlin was in it. Merlin, who was a bandit queen and a powerful sorceress and the most beautiful person Arthur had ever seen, had stayed and helped them escape and was still here. Maybe that meant that she was going to help!

Arthur forced himself to sit up, ignoring the pain. He felt Gaius gently trying to push him down on one side and felt Leon trying to help him up on the other side. He glanced around the room, taking in the fact that everyone was here, despite the fact that Mordred and Elyan were sitting up in their own sick beds. They were both holding cold cloths to their heads. Percival was standing next to Merlin, letting her lean against him. Lance was hovering behind Leon with Gwaine a little farther behind him, still snickering a little bit. Arthur croaked out, "Morgana?"

Leon looked towards Merlin and answered, "Merlin turned us invisible and distracted Morgana, Morgause, and Agravaine while we escaped. She magically covered our tracks behind us. I don't know what kind state Morgana was in when she left."

Merlin, who was still leaning against Percival (a fact which Arthur's jealous mind supplied helpfully), answered tiredly, "I didn't hurt them. I just talked to them. When I left, she was screaming and breaking things, though." She let out a tired grin that looked like a shark smiling at its decimated meal. Arthur was a little scared of her at that moment.

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