The silhouette looked to be crossing their arms over their chest, and I stared down at the material.

Reaching out my hand, I grabbed it and brought it to my face, unfolding it to reveal it's identity.

It was a... shirt?

A baseball tee to be exact, with a spray painted font word across it.


Michael used to have a shirt like this...

Wait a second.

Michael told me something about this shirt once.

"I told her to stay the f*ck away from me," he ran a hand through his hair as he continued to recall the painful events of that fateful night.

"Then what happened?" I asked him, looking down at my lap.

He took a breath, "I walked out the bedroom door and she called back out to me, reminding me that she was still wearing my 'Idiot' tee shirt. I told her to f*cking burn that shit"

"Victoria," I should've f*cking known, "I-I don't understand. You've been after Michael for 2 years? Why target me when we wern't even together?" I asked, anger and confusion coursing through my viens.

This f*cking b*tch.

"Well," she started thoughtfully again, "Victoria's not the one who's behind all this"

With a maniacle laugh, she pressed a button and the other lights in the room snapped on suddenly, momentarily blinding me.

After my eyes adjusted to the light, my eyes leaked tears at the figure standing infront of me. I was completly speechless.


She flipped her long black hair over her shoulder, another maniacle laugh leaving her lips at the truely evil look that swirled in her brown eyes that I thought I knew.

"W.. why?" my voice shook, unable to contain the tears that wanted to spill, "You're my best friend. I-I-I don't understand"

"Still?" she rolled her eyes and picked at her nails breifly, as if we were having a conversation that bore her to death. She then began to fiddle with the silver band ring on her finger.

Wait a minute.

"A red head?" Julia inquired, "Damn. I haven't seen one of those walking around this city, so she must've moved out of the country or something right?" Julia added, looking at me but fidiling with the silver band ring on her finger.

"First off, I'm not your best friend. Not even your friend. It was all lies" her eyes darkened and a shadow seemed to be cast over her face.


"Something you should probably know about me? I'm not even Julia" she laughed again, taking taunting strides towards me. When she stood right infront of me, she ran a hand through her jet black hair before doing it a second time, crushing her hair in her fist and tugging it off her head.

"I was going to ask you if you wanted to accompany me to the dance on Friday?" she toyed with the silver band on her left pinky, trying to act somewhat sly as she made sure to block Michael from my view.

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