Chapter 1

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This is a FEMALE reader insert. You're over 100 years but you look like you're in your 20's.

!!!English is not my first language!!! If there are any typos please say it.!!!

Warning, cursing can be there.
Picture belongs to sayuttan on Deviantart. Please ask before using.
(y/n) = Your name.
(h/c) or (e/c) = Your hair or eye colour.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Since so many people liked the one-shot, (on here, Wattpad and Devinantart) I decided to make it a story!

When you woke up next morning, you felt great. Not just great, but even better than great. You opened your eyes and saw a chest. A naked chest. Bill's chest. With abs.. You looked over blushing and saw he was still asleep. You put his arm on the bed and got up quietly. "Slept well?" He suddenly asked. He grabbed you and hugged you like he did when he was asleep. "Yeah I did.. But why are you in my bed?" "Mine was cold, and you looked cold. So I thought I could keep us warm." He said with a smirk. But not an evil smirk, more like a loving smirk. "Can you let go? I still need to shower." "Why not shower together?" "BILL!" "Hahaha, just kidding kiddo." "I'm not a 'kiddo'. Could you now please let go?" "Because you ask so nicely." He lets go of you and you get out of bed, grabbing some clothes, a pair of black ripped jeans and a grey t-shirt with an eye on it. "Good choice of clothing." Bill commented. "What? Because of the eye on it?" "Maybe.." "I'll take that as a yes then..."

You went into the bathroom, almost done undressing yourself, Bill opened the door a bit. "BILL, WHY ARE YOU OPENING THE DOOR?" You said while hiding behind the shower curtain. "Geez, I only wanted to ask if you would give me my toothbrush and toothpaste." "Then could you knock next time! There is another human lesson for you." "I will think about that next time. Now can you give me the stuff?" You handed the stuff, and wanted to close the door but Bill said something. "I've already seen many girls in their underwear and even seen them naked, remember I've seen plenty of shit." "You still need to knock next time." And you then closed the door. Bill shrugged and put on his common clothes and began bruhing his teeth. You on the other hand began showering. 'Ah.. Nothing better than a morning shower..'

After your shower and the struggle of putting on your bra when your back was still wet, you put on your clothes. You go to the kitchen for some breakfast. Bill isn't there, actually, it is quite silent in the house. Normally he would put on the TV or be checking the newspaper.. Weird. You made yourself some frosted flake cereal and sat quietly at the kitchen table adoring the ourside scenery. When you stood up and brought the bowl to the sink you heard your front door slam. You walked over to the hallway and saw Bill there. His back turned to you. "Bill?" He jumped a bit and turned around. "Oh hello (y/n). Had a good shower?" "Yes, and what do you have behind your back?" "Oh this? I figured it would be a gift to the Pines. Since we're visiting them. That is good right?" "Yes, that is polite, but what do you have?" "Flowers, but only the colour of what the Pines like." "Haha, you used your knowledge for that?" "Maybe~" "I knew it. Now, shall we go?" "Yes, but only if I can teleport this time." "Alright then." He grabbed you with his left free hand by the waist and teleported before you could say anything.

When you arrived from your teleporting trip, Bill let you go. "Did you like it the new way?" "W-what? Yes I guess.. But why by the waist?" "Because that is more fun." "That isn't a good reason." "For me it is!" He exclaimed happy. You and Bill walked through the woods to the Mystery Shack, luckily Bill knew where it was, since he had been there before. While still with 'other' intentions. "Lucky us we now only have to teleport into the woods where nobody is, and not make ourselves invisble." You blurted out. "Yes, it is. Now we can walk like normal people. Especially since you gave me this body." "You know, I heard that Stanley and Stanford are back again from their journey. They probably will be shocked and mad that they see you here." "Yeah, but I don't want to do anything to them. It is more fun just watching them and playing with them. Just like friends do, like you and I." "Glad that you think so, and I think we should also tell them how you got your human body. Or well, human looking body. Since we're not really human.. Heh...." You said with a smug look on your face. "What's with the face? You look much better smiling." "Uh, thanks." You said while blushing and smiling. "There is that beautiful smile!" He grabbed your hand and twirled you around so you came face to face with him. "B-Bill? What are you doing?" You asked blushing. He put his nose against your nose and stepped back. "Teasing you." He smirked and walked further. "I'll get you back for that nacho Demon.." You whispered to yourself. But without your notice Bill heard what you said and thought 'We'll see about that (y/n).'  

I'm sorry that it is so short! I normally have 3.5 or more pages and now I only have 2.5.... But I didn't want to push things in there that would ruin the story!  

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