Train drive(Part 1)

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(Taehyung in the pic)

Currently i'm sitting on a moving machine called a train. Its awesome the ride is quick and smooth unlike the carts which are slow and uncomfortable. Patricia is scolding me due to the fact I made her look like a fool during the reaping ceremony.

She repeated the tape over and over again. How I left the x without asking. How I talked back to a peacekeeper also swore to the Capital. Then physically harmed a peacekeeper. I watch her mouth open and close, chimed in when needed to and rubbed Grayoth's back occasionally.

Finally she says lets watch the other districts tape.

District 1 - The people were not picked, they volunteered their ages 18. I saw Grayoth flinch when they said they plan to give their victims a slow painful death. When district 2 came on a girl with red hair, age 16, smiled as they red out her name. Elizabeth.

Then a alluring boy named Kim Taehyung, he looked different. He is nothing but perfect. His soft, red lips aching for me to touch. His soft almost fluffy hair, I yearn to feel. His beautiful eyes which held a stern look of coldness. I want him. His mascot asked him if he wanted to say anything and he ignored her. The rest of the reaping's went on but all I could think of is Kim Taehyung.

I had to ask Grayoth the remaining tributes names, and he supply's me the extra details.

"District 1- Rose grey 17 and Trident pierce 18

District 2- Elizabeth Taylor 16 and Kim Taehyung 18

District 3- Sam loveday 15 and Triston ally 17

District 4- Chloe ankings 18 and Donte loker 16

District 5 - Electra simms 14 and Bradly Thompson 16

District 6- Denver locus 12 and Tim stairs 15

District 7- Novella Tart 15 and Kingsley Nort 18

District 8- Aurora Michelin 16 and John Guiseley 13

District 9- Odette clark 18 and Toby lika 17

District 10- Michelle locks 12
And Ash winter 18


District 12- lily sindown 14,
Rideon Gartway 17". He states with fear most of them are 17 or 18. A few 16 or 15 and thee rest under. I am really terrified, but my fear seems to distinguish when I think of Kim Taehyung.

Afterwards Patricia advises us to eat, I decline. But Grayoth eagerly agrees. I smile at his childishness and decide to re watch a few of the other Hunger Games, just because I don't have a mentor doesn't mean I cannot learn a few tips.

My eyes are drawn to a famous one,
74th Hunger games. I put it on, I watch intently I always will admire Katniss wether she is dead.

The beautiful arena contained, large forest perfect for hiding and camouflaging, meadows, wheat fields, caves, lakes and rivers. Some made good use of this, others such like Cato fell into its wrath. The night before the Games we prayed for all the tributes.

Rue and Thresh. Rue was my one and only friend. Her death made me cry for days non stop, I didn't know Thresh all to well, as he was above my age. But I still cried for him, like I do to every Tribute. To this day it brings tears to my eyes. I admire Katniss because she cared for Rue and looked after her when she couldn't herself.

Peeta, I also admire when he camouflaged it was smart and artistic. His death was a huge impact on my life. Lack of Blood, katniss was distraught. She cried for days in the arena, every time she slept she would scream for Peeta. Most were surprised she wasn't killed. She won.

But a year later she was thrown in again, and was killed in the bloodbath against other successors who won previous games. 75th hunger games. Quatre Quell. Death of our Mockingjay bought pain to our hearts and victory to the capitol's.

76th hunger games. Sand covered the ground, the suns rays pierced the ground. Little water, was hidden and as for animals their was none. Tributes were forced to eat of the remains of the dead, who had not been taken by their capital hovercraft's. Families of the victim were distraught seeing their child being eaten as food, to there killer. The winner Kailee smith, won from hunting her victims one by one. Feeding of the dead and weeds. When she won not long after she died due to trauma.

79th hunger games, the arena a flat land. Nothing but space and weapons. No food. No water. No hiding spaces. The games were over within the hour. A bloodbath that shall be remembered for many games to come. The winner named Justin wander, who killed all his victims with a pair of Chinese daggers and coordinated moves.

I decided to watch my Fathers one, I never actually saw it as I was to young.

69th Hunger Games, the arena ice and snow. Spruce trees filled the woodlands, and a Gold cornucopia equidistant to the semi circles of podiums. Supplies within its stomach as the tributes eyes its worth. Many died of the cold, others of starvation but my father Jem Coleman powered through, he hasn't killed anyone....yet. It came to the final 5. 3 girls 2 boys. They all met at the invitation, of the Capital a trap to lure them into battle. Food was the offer, everyone had been starving. Due to no animals, as the weather conditions were much extreme. My father battled a 14 yr old, at the time 17. He killed her easily her death quick and painless. The other 2 girls died at the hands of the 18 year old boy. The boys battled together. Hours passed bloody and bruised they carry on, till the 18 yr old held my father at death point. I remember hearing my mothers screams, but didn't know why.

Then all of a sudden, a polar bear lunged at the 18 year old. Ripping his flesh from his body. His screams pierced through the arena, I turned away. His whimpers were still audible. My father went up to him and pulled him onto his lap and sang a familiar song.

"Just close your eyes,
The sun is going down,
You'll be alright,
Come morning light,
You and i'll be safe and sound." His eyes drenched in tears. His dark hand held the pale hand.

"Thank you, please end my suffering". My father nodded and said

"May your soul and the others rest in peace". The took his sword and plunged it into his heart. A few tears slipped out the pale boys eyes, his breathing slowed till it stopped. The cannon boomed through the now empty arena. My father closed his eyes and kissed his cheek. Then gently placed him of his lap, and moved away so the hovercraft can come and collect his lifeless body. The boys blood stained my fathers gear, and he cried till the hovercraft came and collected him from the arena.

I turned of the screen and cried. For all the tribute who have passed. And for the ones who are yet to die.

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