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Alex's POV

The sunlight beamed through the blinds, slowly waking me up. I quietly groaned and tried to lift up my head until I felt a warm body laying almost on top of me. Tobin had her arms wrapped around my waist with her head buried into my neck. I slowly laid my head back down, remembering the events of last night. I untangled my arm from underneath Tobin gently pulled the covers off of us. Tobin had on my shirt and I could clearly see her scared arms. It hurt my heart again, to see all marks that covered her body. I could feel her shift, then bury her head deeper into my neck, still fast asleep. I sadly looked down at her and wrapped my arms back around her waist, wanting to protect her from the world, falling back asleep.

I woke to an cold empty bed. Worried,I swung my legs over the side of the bed to look for Tobin. She was sitting on a bar stool in the kitchen, staring at her phone with an emotionless expression.
I walked into the room, heading over to the fridge for breakfast while keeping an eye on Tobin as well. She didn't even  look up at me.

"Tobin?" I asked softly

"Hey" she said faintly while glancing up at me with her empty brown eyes, then quickly looking back down and shoving her phone in her pocket.

"How are you feeling?" I questioned while leaning against the fridge looking over at her.

"Fine" she mumbled, fiddling with her fingers.

I knew she didn't want to talk about anything right now so I just decided to make her breakfast and keep her company.

"What do you want for breakfast? I'm going to make some eggs if you want some", I said while taking a pan out of the drawer beside the fridge.

"I'm not super hungry, I already ate" she said while getting up to leave.

"Wait, I know you don't wanna talk about it, but please promise me you won't do what you did last night again" I said while looking at her with pleading eyes.

She looked back up at me with misty eyes and just stood there. I made my way over to the broken girl and gently wrapped her in my arms, carful of her back and arms.

".....thank you" she weakly whispered out.

"For what?" I asked pulling back from the embrace and looking at her while still holding her arms.

"No one has ever really made the effort to care about me before" she mumbled looking at my feet.

"Well that's about to change" I said said while pulling her chin up to look me in the eyes. I smiled and quickly hugged her again.

"How about we go walk around campus for a bit and figure out where lol our classes are before tomorrow?" I suggested.

"That sounds fun" she smiled back at me.

We spent the a couple hours wandering around campus before it was lunch time.

Bzzzzzz Bzzzzzz

I pulled out my phone to see a text from Kelley wanting us to meet her for lunch with her roommate Hope.

"Want to go for lunch with my friend Kelley and her roommate Hope?" I asked Tobin.

She thought for a seconds before nodding her head.

We made our way over to the same sandwich place that we went to before and saw Kelley sitting there with a tall, brown haired, muscular looking girl. I have to admit she looked really intimidating.

"Hey Kel, this is Tobin" I motions towards Tobin before going in to give Kelley a quick hug.

"Hey Tobin, I'm Kelley and This is Hope" she said cheerfully poking her roommate.

She looked over at Kelley and gave her the scariest death glare I have ever seen. Kelley just laughed and we all crammed into a booth.

We were all chatting about random things during lunch while Tobin just sat beside me looking down at her untouched sandwich. I frowned and nudged her getting her attention.

"Are you going to eat that sandwich? You haven't eaten anything all day"
I told her.

She just looked back down at it and sighed.

I brought my left hand under the table and interlocked it with hers to try and encourage her to eat it. I think she was surprised by this because she instantly looked up at me. I smiled and went back into the conversation, still holding her hand under the table.

By the end of lunch, Tobin was talking with Kelley and Hope, she even ate about half of her sandwich.

I noticed how Kelley would glance over at Hope smile at her all the time. It was cute how obvious Kelley was being. She wasn't know for being very secretive.

We had all finished our sandwiches and decided to go back to our dorms.

"See you later losers! Let's go Solo"
Kelley yelled as she dragged Hope out of the booth, skipping out the door.

I chucked at my friend and turned to Tobin.

"Ready to go?"

"Yah,  I kinda wanna just chill for the rest of the night" she tiredly stated.

We went back to the dorms and I set up a movie for us to watch. I put pillows and blankets out and got snuggled into the couch while Tobin sat on the other end all alone.

She looked over at me and I chuckled softly.

"Are you going to come here or what?"
I laughed and opened my arms wide.

She laughed and lazily crawled across the couch, laying her head on my lap.

She was out cold within minutes. There quiet little snore sounds coming from her were the cutest thing I have ever seen. Her being in my arms just felt so right. I just always wanted to be near her for some reason.

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