Why do you do this to yourself (DenNor)

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Denmark's smile fades as soon as he walks into his house. His face falls flat and he walks around his house aimlessly. He finally just sits and looks out the window. The sky is dark, it looks like it's going to rain.
Norway yelled at him again. Sweden glared at him more than usual. Iceland won't talk to him. Finland wasn't around to cheer him up.
But he kept his smile.
Until he was home. That's when the wall collapsed. That's when the alcohol came out and he drank himself to sleep because he wasn't worth it.
He strode over to his liquor cabinet, which was quite large, but well hidden, and pulled out some bottles.
By the end of the night, he had downed around 5 bottles of whiskey and was now sprawled on the couch with a glass in his hand. Thunder boomed and lightning light up the sky as his eyes fluttered closed, only to be awoken by his door creaking open, then slamming shut.
"Den! I'm staying the night! I got soaked walking home, is it okay with you?..." Norway's voice rang though the house.
Shit. He was going to find out.
Norway called to him again, his footsteps getting closer an closer to the kitchen, where the empty bottles sat vacant...
Denmark shut his eyes, rest for Norway to start yelling again.
But there was silence.
He heard Norway's footsteps coming closer.
"Oh Denmark..." The Norwegian whispered, gently prying the glass out of Denmark's hand.
Denmark opened his eyes slowly. "Heyyyy Norgeway.." Norway's eyes held his, and Denmark looked away.
Norway stroked Denmark's hair. "You have to stop, Den.."
Denmark sat up. "It's hard to stop when I have reasons." He growled.
Norway sighed. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you, I was tired."
Denmark frowned. " 'T wasn't just you, Norge.."
The smaller nation sighed again.
"You're not annoying. You're not a screw up. We love you, always remember that."
"Really?" The larger nation's eyes began to close.
Norway nodded. "Really. Now, let's go to sleep."
Denmark yawned and stood, shuffling towards the stairs. Norway followed.
They were soon snuggled in Denmark's bed, arms wrapped around each other. It was comforting to feel each other's breaths, the rhythmic rising and falling was calming to them both.
In the morning, everything would be alright. Denmark knew he might not have to drink himself to sleep anymore after this. He smiled softly and kissed Norway's cheek. "Thank you."

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