Annoying (DenNor)

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Denmark couldn't believe it. His day was going so well...
He blinked back tears as he closed the door to his room, setting the bundle of wildflowers on his desk. He flopped on his bed as he recalled what his friend had said about him... And behind his back, nonetheless.
"He's annoying! He never shuts up. I wish he'd just leave me alone! Yes, Den. He's just so obnoxious..."
The words hit him like bricks. He sobbed softly and his his face in his pillow. He tried not to be annoying around Norway.. He just liked him so much, he always tried to impress him.
He sighed and looked at a small picture on his bedside table.
It was him and Norway. It was one of those rare moments that he had smiled, and Denmark had whipped out his camera as fast as he could.
Tears welled in his eyes again.
He was annoying to Norway? "Alright, I'll try to give him some space.."

And he did. Whenever Norway texted him, called him, he didn't answer. He didn't want to make a fool of himself and drive Lukas away.. Again.

Lukas sighed and set down his phone.
It was the fifteenth time he had called Denmark in the past few days. He was getting worried.
He regretted all the things he'd said to his friend, words that would make his smile or laugh falter. Norway sighed again.
Finland set a bowl of soup in front of him. "What's wrong?"
A tear slid down Norway's cheek.
"Den's ignoring me. I don't know why. Maybe he just got fed up.."
Finland shook his head. "No, Nor, Den is your best friend. You have to talk to him."
"He won't talk to me. I've been trying." Norway muttered, tapping his fingers on the table.
Finland raised an eyebrow. "Face to face?"
Norway shook his head and stood. "Alright. I'm going." And with that, he walked out.
A week passed. Then another. More calls and texts from Norway. Denmark turned his notifications off and put his phone away. He didn't want to be annoying at all. He steered clear of all of Norway's favourite restaurants and stores, and the house that the Nordics shared sometimes. He especially didn't go near Norway or Iceland's houses. He stayed away.
A few more weeks passed, an there was a knock on his door. He unlocked it and swung it open, to reveal Norway. His face was red and he was holding something. A bottle?
"Nor.. Are you drunk?"
Tears were rolling down the Norwegian's cheeks.
"Why don't you love me anymore?! What did I do?! I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to..."
Denmark gaped at the smaller nation.
"Norge, come in here." Norway stumbled in, and with Denmark's help, went to a couch.
"Why don't you talk to me.." Norway sobbed, burying his face in Denmark's chest. The larger male pulled Norway closer, cradling him*
"I'm sorry Norway. I'm so sorry."
Soon, Norway stopped crying and fell asleep in Denmark's arms.

Norway awoke with a pounding headache, on Mathias' couch. Scratch that, on Mathias. Norway jolted out of his groggy state and fell on the floor.
"Ow!" Denmark shot up.
"I DIDN'T DO IT!- oh. Hey Norge."
Norway glared at him. "I thought you had better things to do that talk to me."
Denmark sighed. "No. I was ignoring you because you hate me."
"I don't hate you! In fact, I really like you!" Norway blushed and turned away.
"I just say thing like that because I'm embarrassed. But I really do like you."
Denmark slid off the couch and sat next to Norway. "Hey. I'm sorry."
Norway drew a shaky breath. "Me too." He turned back to face the Dane and pulled him into a tight embrace.

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