"You are?"

"Yoongi. Min Yoongi."

"You are very familliar. I just don't know where I've seen you though." I admitted.

"That's fine. Many people also thought the same." He said as he smiled.

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah, really. By the way, I still don't know you." He scratched the nape of his neck.

"Oh, sorry. I'm Jiae. Yoo Jiae." I said as I offered him a handshake.

"Wait, I think I know you."

"Uh, you do?"

"You are Tiger's princess." He said in a matter-of-fact tone.

I don't remember having that title.

"Actually, you are popular in the business world, most especially your engagement with Myungsoo. It was even dubbed as 'the Royal Engagement'." He beamed.

"How do you know this?" I gave him a skeptical look.

"I'm the son of the owner of the Charlie Publication and heir to the Hector Airlines," He said. "I sometimes read the paper. It just so happened that you were on front page during that time and as much as embarassing it is to say but it was my grandmother who went to one of your meetings."

"I don't remember clearly."

"Well, she tried to set us up but she failed because you had commitments." He sighed.

"I'm sorry."


"Because of I turned down your grandma."

"Oh that. It's no big deal. I'm actually glad you declined. Not to offend, but I'm not yet ready to be committed though." He smiled.

"Good for you." I replied.

We decided to have a stroll when we both knew we were the ones scared of rides and were just waiting for our friends. We got along with each other well when I caught something.

A rose.

No, no, no, no. I shook my head.

"No, I don't."

"Huh?" Yoongi turned to me.

"Oh, it's nothing. I thought I forgot something. It turns out, I didn't." I threw an apologetic look.

"I was worried since you kept on shaking your head like this." He said as he showed me a funny demonstration.

"Hilarious, Yoongi." I rolled my eyes.

"Eh, you were smiling just now." He showed me his gummy smile which I find it cute.

"It looked like I was but honestly, I wasn't." I said pokerfaced.

"Excuses, Yoo Jiae. A swag king like Min Yoongi will not accept an unvalid reason from a commoner like you." He said as he closed his eyes, crossed his arms, held his head high and pretended to sulk.

"You're anything but a king." I deadpanned but I failed miserably when I made a giggling sound.

"Whatever but I made you laugh." He triumphantly said.

"That wasn't a laugh. It was a chuckle." I corrected.

"Yeah and roses are red when violets are blue. It's still the same." He shrugged off jokingly.

Okay, now I let out a laugh and we did together.

We were still grinning when my phone tinged.

From: Myungjerk
Where are you rn?

I decided to not give him a reply.

"Who was that?" Yoongi asked.

"It was a friend." I answered.

"Really?" He gave me a suspecting yet knowing smile.

"Yes, really. Will you stop looking at me like that?" I snapped jokingly in which he let out a chortle.

"Yeah, right. You better text him back or he will have thoughts of you cheating on him." He said.

"And who would I cheat with?"

"You're looking at him right now." He said as he gestured himself.

"The funniest joke ever. You're so full of yourself." I shake my head as I laughed.

"Whatever, but really, you have to text him back." Yoongi said.

"Alright, alright."

As if on cue, I received another SMS.

From: Myungjerk
Are you going to reply, yoo jiae?

To: Myungjerk
Ur not my mother to ask me where i am or who i am with. I'm still mad at you bastard!

"All done." I said as I slipped my phone in my pocket.

"So what did you reply to him?" He asked.

"Curious much?" I gave him a teasing look.

"I was not." he rolled his eyes.

"Sure you don't," I laughed. "But I told him to stop texting me."

"You're no fun, Jiae." Yoongi huffed.

"I know," I beamed.

"That was meant to be an insult!" He exclaimed.

"A compliment to me though." I winked as I walked ahead of him.

"That's so unfair!" He stomped beside me.

All I could do was laugh at him. Yoongi soon joined and admitted he looked like a fool.

Sadly, the day has to end and we both parted ways to be with our friends. We decided to exchange numbers and made a few jokes here and there before Yoongi and I go.

"So, did you see any roses, unnie?" Yein wrapped her arms around me as she asked me.

I sighed as she squealed, getting what I meant.

"A white rose, alright."

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