Chapter 1

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It was a sunny morning in Metropolis, and you just woke up, rubbing your eyes. You checked the time, your vision a little blurry. You rubbed your eyes again, and looked at your clock. It read 8:00 am. You were running an hour late to work. Usually you would be arriving to work at this time. "Oh shit!" you yell, throwing your blankets off and quickly running to your kitchen in your small apartment. You quickly started to brew some coffee, then ran into your bathroom. You didn't have time for a shower so you just sprayed some dry shampoo in your hair and brushed it. You threw on a lot of deodorant and perfume. You didn't have time for makeup, so you quickly brush your teeth, and run into your bedroom. You throw on some black leggings you found on the floor, a maroon colored hoodie, some Ugg boots, and put on your newly prescribed glasses. You quickly grab your keys, bag, and coffee, and rush out the door, almost forgetting to lock it.

  You quickly grab your keys, bag, and coffee, and rush out the door, almost forgetting to lock it

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You run down the stairs, not having time to wait for the elevator. You quickly run outside, and call a taxi over. A taxi pulled over and you hopped right in. "Where to?" the taxi driver asked, not looking amused. "I need to get to the Daily Planet ASAP!" you say a little too loud, struggling to not spill your coffee as you put your seat belt on. You were surprised you didn't spill it while running. The taxi driver huffed, and started to drive.

You hit some traffic on your way to work, but you soon arrived to the Daily Planet. You threw $20 to the driver, yelling "Keep the change!" as you shuffled out of the car. You ran into the building, and saw the elevator door about to close. You sprinted over to the elevator, almost tripping on the way, and squished yourself on. People were giving you dirty looks. You pushed your glasses up, and awkwardly took a sip from your coffee. The elevator soon got to your floor, and you got off the elevator and ran to your desk. You sat down, quickly logging onto your computer.

"(Y/N)!" Perry White, your boss, yelled as he was storming over to your desk. You gulped. You were scared of him. "Where the hell were you!? You are 30 minutes late!"

"Um, my, my al- alarm clock never went off today sir," you said nervously, stuttering a bit. "I promise you that it won't happen again." White gave you a glare like he disbelieved you, and walked away.

	You took a sip from your coffee, and pulled up the article you were typing

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You took a sip from your coffee, and pulled up the article you were typing. You started to type in some more, occasionally looking at your journal which had your notes in it. You didn't notice Clark Kent, your best friend, roll his chair over behind you until it was too late. "BOO!" he said, shaking your shoulders a bit. You jumped out of your seat, covering your mouth with your hand to stop you from screaming. You turn your chair around, giving a death glare to Clark, who was chuckling.

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