I snap my head up, furiously glaring at him. "It's just casual sex. Nothing more, nothing less."

This shuts him up. His mouth sets in a firm line, and he leans forward slowly. It's true. What Adrian and I have isn't love, it's sex, and that is all I want. No complications, and no worry about mates.

"You're too beautiful to be having mindless sex with a man like him," Grayson muses. I hate how serious he sounds. It makes me think for a second that he means it.

"Look, I am not about to take advice from an Alpha," I growl, my hands gathering into fists on my desk. He smiles gently, but a slight haze of bitterness still shrouds his gaze.

I watch him sigh. "He would would worship you, in and out of bed. Your mate would."

"What would you know?" I mutter sourly.

He pauses.

"Because I would."

Closing my eyes, I draw in a shaky breath, and imagine the red line crossed through his name. He is not my mate. Opposites in every way possible...But would the Moon Goddess be that stupid?

"Can we talk about why you're really here, please?"

Grayson hesitates for a long moment, before finally looking as if he has given up on our conversation, or at least getting me to see it in his point of view.

"I have a proposal to make. Don't turn it down straight away," Grayson says. I narrow my eyes expectantly. After what Grayson and I have talked about so far, we don't tend to have the same opinions about things.


"I want you to come work with me," he says suddenly, his voice anxious. I blanch, his words so surprising I almost topple back on my chair. Work with him?

Wait. With him.

"With you? As in, a partner?" I rephrase, trying to make sense of the entire situation. How could he be saying these things, after seeing me completely degrade the existence of Alpha's on that stage?

"Yes, Lexia. I need a partner to control an army of mine. I saw your leadership skills, and I think you're fully capable of leading my people."

The words he is telling me have completely wiped away any sense of control I was able to salvage over the past ten minutes. I can hardly breathe even, as he stares at me with a soothing look in his eyes I'm definitely not used to.

"You're kidding?" I sputter. He has to be.

"No. Kaden recommended me to you himself. He tells me you're incredibly capable of leading an entire army yourself. I hope you will consider my proposal with an open mind," Grayson says.

The way he announces this is so casual, he sounds as if he's reciting a mantra he's used to every day. Maybe it's because he's from the Freedom Pack, and he doesn't have to worry about anything.

"That son of a bitch," I growl, standing up from my seat. "He just wants to get rid of me!"

Grayson frowns. "Do you not think you are capable?"

"It's not that...I can't do this, I'm sorry," I tell him. I'm not sure why I am apologising to him, considering I've never wanted to aid an Alpha in any time of my life.

But I have to admit...Partnering with an Alpha would give me significant gain in my plans. And inside access to his Pack would mean I wouldn't have to bother finding my mate...

"You don't have to give me an answer now. But please Lexia, I need you," he pauses. "To help me."

He stands cautiously, either waiting for me yell at him to leave, or gracelessly accept his offer. The latter is not one I'm ready to agree to just yet. I can't abandon the people I'm leading right now, without serious consideration.

"I will," I promise, finally sounding more normal to him than I ever have before.

He smiles, standing there briefly. We gaze at each other for a few dazzled moments, before he turns and walks from the room.


"You'd be an idiot not to do it," Adrian says.

We sit in my bedroom, a couple hours after Grayson had left. He had come in like a storm, and left this odd calm behind that has left me time to think about his offer. As tempting as it sounds, I'm still not sure I should even be considering it right now.

"But what about all these people? I'll be leaving them behind," I tell him. He shakes his head, pacing the room a little bit.

"Think of it like this. It won't be forever, and I'll baby sit them while you're gone," he exclaims, with a humorous smile. I roll my eyes.

Like he'd be capable to looking after this community of criminals.

"Look, we need to concentrate on what's happening in the next three days," Adrian says, clapping his hands together. I jump. Three days? I hardly know what I'm having for dinner, let alone what is happening in three days.

He seems to notice my expression. "I've gotten you tickets to a special function Saturday night."

"Function?" I question suspiciously, a little apprehensive about what he means.

"The Alphas hold this soirée every year, and I managed to get you a ticket. We have job to do, and it's going to happen..."

Job? My head spins. Alpha Grayson shows up here in the middle of one of my speeches, and announces something life changing, and now this?


"Alpha Noah is the Alpha of Harmony. He knows every Packs weakness, and I need you to find out the Vengeance Packs one, by..."

He breaks off, and instantly I know what he is insinuating. He wants me to seduce him. It's not the first time I've done this as a type of mission, but never with an Alpha. I sigh deeply.

"And will Grayson be there?" I ask lightly. His nod makes me cringe.

"Every Alpha will be there. Let's hope you're good at avoiding ones of the Freedom Pack."


How I see Lexia, is that she hasn't found herself completely yet. I have created Grayson to complement her, so she can find herself in him. That's the moral of the story.

So give her a chance. (:

I'm so excited, because I'm introducing my favourite Alpha next chapter!! Jasper!

You'll see why he's my favourite. I mean, he's mysterious, and magical and his back story is thrilling. I just can't wait for you all to meet him eep!

Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! The next updating day is when I should be studying for my Biology exam (not that I care about Biology) so hopefully I'll have time to upload (:

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YouTube: Midika Crane

~Midika 💜

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