Chapter 8:

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When Felena first walked into Trae's room, she didn't see him or hear anything. It creeped her out.
"Trae!" She called out, her ears straining for even the slightest sound. She didn't head anything. She gulped then shook off the fear. Trae was probably in the bathroom or maybe he went to eat something. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
"Trae! Where are you?" She called out again, and just like the last time, there was no answer. She started to walk around, trying to see if she could find him, but the whole room was empty, even the bathroom. Felena started to get worried now. She took a deep breath and pulled out the button that Alonzo had given her. Just seconds after she had pressed the button, Alonzo was right by her side.
"What's wrong? What happened?" Felena just looked up at him with fear in her eyes. Alonzo looked down at her in worry.
"Alonzo.... He's gone.... I've looked everywhere and it's just like he's disappeared! He's gone! Where is he?" Felena's voice steadily rose from a whisper to a shout. Alonzo's eyes widened in shock. He looked worried as well. Felena closed her eyes and fought back the tears that threatened to fall. Trae was her best friend, she couldn't lose him. She felt Alonzo wrap his arms around her, pulling her against his body tighly, and burying his face into her hair. She buried her face into his neck, letting the tears fall. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, sobs rocking her body hard. Alonzo just held her tighter, they were both worried about Trae, they both thought of Trae as a really close friend and for him to go missing like this was scary.
"It's going to be okay Felena. We'll find him. One way or the other. I don't care if we have to go to hell and back to find him. Just relax okay beautiful. We're going to find him, even if we have to kill someone we're going to find him." Felena just clung to him, her fears and sadness not letting the words sink in. Alonzo just held her, not doing anything else. Finally, Felena calmed down enough to pull away and look up at him, her eyes puffy and red from her crying. Alonzo lightly wiped a stray tear from her face and lightly running his hands through her hair.
"It's going to be okay Felena. I promise. I know we'll find him. I know it." Felena closed her eyes and nodded. She really hoped they would find Trae. Trae was her best friend. She couldn't lose him.
"Where do you think he could've gone?" Felena winced when her voice broke. Alonzo sighed.
"To tell you the truth Fireball. I don't know. Just trust me when I say that we will find him. Even if it kills me, we'll find him."
"No! No! No! I can't lose You again! I just can't! I love you too much to lose you! So don't flipping say that!" Felena screamed at him. She had lost him once, she was not about to lose him again. She couldn't. She loved him too much. Alonzo's eyes widened before he nodded and brushed a lock of hair from her face.
"You won't lose me again, but we will find him. Don't dought that. We will find him. " Felena nodded, she was quite shocked at Alonzo's stern voice, but she could understand where it had come from. She nodded and buried her face into his chest, clinging tighter to him. She had to believe him. She just had too. She had to believe that Trae would be okay, otherwise she would lose herself. Alonzo slowly started petting her hair with one hand, the other wrapped around her waist, holding her closer to him.
"Alonzo.... Where do you think he went? Who do you think would take him? I'm really scared. Please just get me to clam down." Alonzo nodded and wrapped both his arms around her, lifting her up. Her legs wrapped around his waist and her face went into his neck. Alonzo wrapped in arm around her back, the other under her butt to keep her in place. He slowly started walking back to her room. When he got there, he lay on the bed with her, both of them spooning together. Slowly, they both fell asleep thinking about Trae and what was in store for them.

A/N: Hey. I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a long, long, long time. It's just that I've been stressed and I have a whole lot on my mind right now. I know that is not a good excuse but I just wanted you guys to know why I haven't updated. I really love all of you who read this story and I would love it if you commented some good ideas for this story. I don't really have that many and I'm running out of motivation to keep writing it. So please. If you have ideas, I'd love to hear them. Thank you and I love you my little candies!

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