Chapter 2

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When Felena woke up, she was staring up at a ceiling with bright lights. She groaned, closed here eyes, and turned her head to the side.
Her eyes moved slightly when she heard the voice calling her name. She felt a hand in hers and closed her hand around it, it felt like a man's.
"Thank God! Felena, can you hear me beautiful?" Felena slightly nodded her head and opened her eyes and was met by beautiful green eyes and brown locks of hair.
"Hey beautiful, how are you feeling?"
"I'm alive." She grimaced when she said that, her throat hurt so bad.
"What happened Fe? Why did you pass out like that?"
"I don't know." Her voice was stronger now and her throat didn't hurt as bad. "I went too take a step and got very dizzy and just fell backwards."
"I wonder what bright that on. You don't think..."
"I have no idea but I'm thinking that that's what caused it, but why? Unless...oh God!"
"What? What are you thinking Felena?"
"What if....what if they wanted to get into my mind? Maybe try to take control of my body? Or maybe they want to see who I care about, I mean they do want us to join them."
"That means they will go after the ones we love won't they?"
"Yep." Felena said softly, her eyes filling with tears as she thought of her friends that would be dragged into this just because she cared about them.
"Relax Felena." Trae said as her wrapped his arms around her, "it will all be alright beautiful." Felena nodded and pressed her face into his chest and cried softly.

After a while the nurse came in and asked what was wrong.
"Nothing." Felena said as she sat back and pushed her hair out of her face. Trae held out some tissues and Felena took them and wiped her nose.
"Miss. Brastow what happened before you blacked out?"
"Well me and Trae had just pulled up into Derry Queen and when I stepped out I got really dizzy and then everything went black." The nurse was writing everything what Felena said down as she asked, "has anything happened like this before?" Felena shook her head no, and watched as the nurse went through some papers on her clip board.
"So Mis. Brastow where are you're parents at?"
"They went out for the day." Felena said, her voice taking on a cold tone.
"Well we are going to have to call them to let them know what has happened."
"No!" Felena snapped harshly. She hated the thought of her parents knowing, they already didn't like her as it was, she didn't want to make it any worse.
"I'm sorry Mis. Brastow but we are going to have to call them."
"I said no! I'm old enough to take care of myself. I don't need any help from them." Felena's voice was cold, but got colder when she said them. She hated her parents for what they had done.
"Mis. Brasto-"
"Umm Felena, you are only seventeen years old."
"Yes, I am aware of my age, I'm also aware that I can take care of myself."
"Felena, you know the rules." Trae said softly, gentlely taking her hand. Felena snatched her hand away and glared at him and the nurse.
"For both of you're information, I can take care of myself. So how about you just tell me what I need to do and let me go!" Felena was taking deep breaths when she finished, her anger and rage were getting the better of her. The nurse looked taken aback while Trae looked hurt, but there was some anger in his eyes too, being hidden really well, but Felena knew exactly what to look for.
"Felena, sweety, please just cooperate."
"Okay. Fine. I will, but I won't tell them any of my information." Felena was still pissed, but not as pissed as she had been, Trae had that effect on her.
"Okay." Trae said as her took her hand again, but this time she tightened her hand around his, lacing her fingers through his.
"Mis. Brastow please."
"I told you to call me Felena." Felena growled at the nurse.
"Fine. Felena you are going to have to give us some information so you can leave."
"Fine then. Ask me you're dang questions."
"What is you're date of birth?"
"June fifth, nineteen ninety nine."
"Do you have you're driver licence with you?"
"Of course." Felena said as she took out her driver license form her pocket and handed it to the nurse. The nurse looked it over and nodded, she then asked "how many people live with you?"
"Just my parents and me."
"Where do you live?"
"Two eighty nine, Wayword street."
"Are you fed well? You're parents take good care of you?"
"Yes they do. I'm well fed and taken care of. Now, is that the last of you're questions?"
"Yes, I will just go scan this and be back soon." When the nurse left, Felena huffed and flopped backwards on the bed. With her free hand, she covered her face and sighed.
"I really hate hospitals."
" I know babe, but I had to bring you here, I didn't know what else to do."
"I know Trae. I don't blame you. And I'm sorry for snapping on you, I was just mad."
"I know, my love." Felena smiled and brought his hand to her face and kissed the back of it, then she rubbed her face against the back of his hand and sighed, happy that he was here with her.
"You okay babe?" Trae asked as he turned his hand to trace the out line of her lips.
"Yeah, just slighy stressed. Are you okay?" Felena asked as she lightly kissed the tip of each finger.
"Yeah I'm fine. Just worried about you." Felena smiled and whispered "lean down."
Trae raised and eye brow, but he leaned down and as soon as he was close enough she lurched forward and kissed him, hard. They were just starting to get really heated when the nurse walked in. She cleared her throat and Felena and Trae snapped apart, blushing.
"Kids. Anyways here's you're license and now you may leave here." She gave Felena her license and some papers.
"Those are for the medicine you are going to have to take."
"Thanks." Felena said as she looked over the papers. She got up and took Trae's hand as they walked out of the hospital. When they got to the car, Trae asked of she wanted to go get the medicine.
"We better. They are going to want me to get them even though I am not going to take them." Trae nodded and they got into the car and drove to the nearest drug store. The drive down there was silent. When they got to the drug store, Trae finally spoke.
"What are you thinking about Felena?"
"Nothing. Just wondering what is going to happen."
"It will be okay babe. I'll be here every step of the way."
"I know." Felena said as she smiled slowly. They got out and walked into the drug store and got the medicine, and once again, questions. When they left, Felena was mad. She hated giving her information out to strangers.
"Felena, clam down babe. Its going to be fine." Felena huffed and got into the car. As they pulled up into the driveway of her house she decided she would throw them away. Felena sighed and got out of the car. Trae and her made their way up to the house and Felena pulled out her keys and unlocked the door. When they got in Felena threw the pills in the trash and made her way up to her room, Trae close behind her. They never did anything bad, they had a lot more since than most teenagers. When they walked in, Trae fell down on her bed and watched her as she went through her movies and put one in. She then walked over to the bed and sat down. She smiled as Trae wrapped his arms around her from behind and buried his head into her hair.
"You're hair smells good Felena." Trae whispered as he drew in a deep breath through his nose. Felena smiled wider and whispered "thanks sweety. So what do you want to do while the trailers play?"
"What ever you want to do." Felena rolled her eyes and turned around to look at her boyfriend of three years. His beautiful green eyes looked back at her, his dark drown hair falling into his eyes and made him look sexy, his strong chin, full lips, muscular form, Trae was the dream of every girl and he actually wanted her.
"Trae... Why do you like me?" Felena asked while she looked at him. Trae raised his eyebrows and said "I don't like you. I love you. You are the most beautiful thing I have ever laid my eyes on. You make me happy, when you laugh, I laugh, you smile, I smile, when you look at me with you're beautiful bright blue eyes with so much happiness and love, I just can't help but fall more in love with you."
"Trae... That's so sweet!" Felena squealed and warped her arms tightly around him and he chuckled and tightened his arms around her.
"I love you Trae. More than you could ever know."
"I love you too Felena. More than you could ever know." Felena smiled and burried her face in his chest and drew in his sent. What would she do if he wasn't her by her side and being there for her when she needed him. She closed her eyes and hugged him tighter and and thought about how lucky she was to have him and how tight she was going to hold him.

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