Chapter 3

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WARNING: THIS CHAPTER HAS SOME REALLY BAD PARTS IN IT. IF YOU ARE EASILY TRIGGERED DO NOT READ. AGAIN I REPEAT DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE EASILY TRIGGERED OR IF YOU DON'T LIKE VIOLENCE. THIS CHAPTER TALKS ABOUT SOME DEPRESSING THINGS. DON'T READ IF YOU ARE EASLEY TRIGGERED! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! If your okay with talks about violence and things that can trigger people then read on but not before then. If you want to know what this chapter is about but don't want to read it then just message me and I will give you the clean version. Good luck.

Felena woke up to loud screaming and a pare of arms wrapped tightly around her. She blinked roughly and thread her fringers through her hair.
"Felena, baby, what's worng?" Trea asked as he sat up and wrapped his arms back around her. A loud banging and even louder yelling answered his question.
"Well crap."
"I feel you."
"I wonder what they are arguing about now?"
"There is no telling. They argue about everything." Felena pulled out of his arms and got up. She pulled out some clothes an told Trae that she was going into the shower. When she stepped under the hot spray, she she rested her head against the wall in front of her and sighed. She was mad and she was scared. Mad because her parents always had to fight, scared because she didn't know what to do. She grabbed the shampoo and started washing. When she got out of the shower and had gotten dressed, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her long, black hair was still wet and stuck to her face. Her skin was slightly flushed from the heat of the water, so her eyes seemed to glow. Her black t-shirt clung to her body and showed off how skinny she was. Felena had a very bad eating disorder and on top of that her parents never fed her, so she never ate in less she was forced too. In less she was with Trae, she would eat as long as Trae was with her. Her black pants hugged her slim legs all the way down to her boot clad feet. Her boots had buckles and laces. She sighed as she turned away from the mirror and walked back into her room and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Trae standing in the middle of her room shirtless. She blushed and turned away, not that she didn't like like seeing him shirtless, it just made her feel weird seeing him like that.
"You can turn around now." When she turned around , she was relieved to see that he was fully dressed and walked over to him and warped her arms around him. She burried her face in his chest and smiled when he wrapped his arms around her.
"You okay beautiful?"
"Yeah. Are you okay?"
"Yeah." Trae whispered but there was a tightness in his body that gave them away.
"Trae....don't lie to me. Please."
"I'm not Felena."
"Yes you flipping are!" Felena snarled as she stepped back out of his arms and glared at him. "Why won't you just tell me what's worng? I want to help you!"
"Well you can't because there's nothing to help with!"
"Fine! Just fine! If you won't tell me what's worng then just leave!"
"Felena..." Trae growled her name, his eyes flashing dangerously, a warning not to push him, but she ignored it.
"No! If you won't tell me what's worng then just get out, and don't come back in till you want to tell me what's worng!"
"Felena just stop okay? I don't want to upset you! That's why I'm not telling you what's worng!"
"Well you're upsetting me more by not telling me!" Felena nearly screamed in anger.
"You would be more upset if you knew."
"Bull hockey sticks!"
"Fine!" Trae nearly screamed, "you want to know so bad I'll tell you! I was just thinking about how easy of an target you are right now! I mean you've already blacked out on me and now you're seeing these things, so I was just thinking about how they were coming after you! I can't lose you Fe! I just can't!" Trea yelled as he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her as close to him as he could.
"I'm not going anywhere with out a fight sweety. I promise. I'll fight till the day I die." She smiled as she felt Trae tighten his arms around her and burry his face in to her hair. She started petting his hair and telling him that she was not leaving him. Not at all. Felena was kissing his cheek when the door burst open and her parents stormed in. They stoped when they saw Felena and Trae in each others arms.
"What is going on here?" Felena's mother yelled as she watched them. "You are such a little whore! And you!" She pointed towards Trae. "You should not even be here! What are you here for? A free ride? Step away from my daughter!"
"I'm not you're daughter! I'm no better then a freaking mess up to you! You never loved me and Trae did not do anything! He was being nice and trying to help me! Unlike someone I know!" Felena screamed at her mother, anger and hurt finally making her snap.
"Watch how you talk yo your mother!"
"Oh, like your one to talk! You're always screaming and yelling at her! Not to mention throwing things at her and beating her to a bloody pulp!" Felena screamed at her dad. She was tired of backing down to them.
"Listen young lady! You will either obey the rules of this house or we will kick your sorry ass out!"Her mother screamed at her.
"No worry! I'll be leaving on my own accord!" Felena screamed as she turned around and grabbed a back pack she had packed with clothes and things she would need, she had been planing to run away for a while. She picked up her phone,the charger and her head phones. She pushed her way through her parents, pushing them aside as hard as she could. She heard Trae following close behind her. Once she got outside she went to Trae's car and got in. When Trae got in she said "I want to go to your house and stay with you. Please." She looked over at Trae and he nodded. As they were leaving she watched her dad come out with his phone against his ear, a evil smile on his ugly face.

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