Chapter 4

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Warning: There is some blood and gore at the beginning of this chapter. Nothing to bad but if you don't like violence then just skip to the next part. There is a space so you'll know. Again, this is a warning so you can not say that I didn't tell you so. Have a great time reading.

Felena woke up in a cold sweat. She had just woken from a terrible nightmare. She gulped and looked over to he right to see Trae fast asleep. She leaned her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes, trying to fight back tears. She had just started to clam down when the door to the room slowly opened, and a few people snuck in. She stiffened, grabbing Trae's hand and squeezing it hard, trying to wake him up. She kept her breathing normal and her eyes closed to slits so they wouldn't know she was awake. Suddenly she heard the click of a gun being cocked and knew that if she didn't do anything fast that her and Trae could be killed. She took a deep breath and summoned as much courage as she could muster before she jumped out of her seat and attacked the person closest to her. She knocked them down, the person crying out in shock and pain when they hit the floor. She didn't hesitate even though the fall jerked her slightly, she pulled back her fist and smashed it into the man's face. She pulled her fist back for a second punch, but before she could, she felt a sharp pain in her midsection. She cried out and fell off the person and onto the ground, grabbing her side. It had felt like someone had stabbed her. She then felt blood trickle from a wound on her side and a tear in her shirt, and she knew someone had. She would have cried out again if someone hadn't kicked her hard in her midsection, right on her wound. She gasped and coughed and tasted a coppery taste in her mouth. She got really scared then. She shivered as she felt the icey prickle of fear as it spread through her vains. She closed her eyes and focused on her breathing so that her heart rate would slow down. Then she felt a pain in her head as a bright light was turned on. She closed her eyes tighter, before she slowly opened them to see five guys standing in the middle of the room, all wearing black clothes and masks. She looked over to see who had turned on the lights and saw that it was Trae. She opened her mouth to say something but one of the guys walked over to her and kicked her in her midsection fifteen times before kicking her in the face extremely hard and Felena almost passed out, she did see stars though. She blinked multiple times, trying not to pass out and not throw up when she heard the click of a gun with a silencer on it. She froze, waiting for Trae's scream, but the scream that she heard came form someone else. She opened her eyes to see a guy laying on the floor, already a small pool of blood around his head. She looked over and saw a guy with a gun in his hand, and watched in horror as the guy pointed the gun at the other men that came in with him and shot them. She gasped as some of the men's blood slpatered on her face, some even getting in her mouth. She blinked her eyes open to see the man facing Trae, then the guy spoke.
"Master wants you alive. He'll kill me of either of you are killed." The guy had a deep voice that didn't sound quite human. He then turned to Felena and walked over to her. He bent down to her and looked at her wound.
"It looks like you will live. You must come with me. Now. Both of you." He went to pick Felena up but she bit his hand. There was something about this guy that she just did not like at all. He snarled, in pain and anger. He then let out an animalistic snarl and kicked her so hard she went flying into the wall. She gasped and lay there. She coughed up some more blood as a searing pain went through her. Her arm was bent at an unnatural angle and her midsection hurt so much that she almost couldn't breath. She gasped for breath for a minute before she coughed up blood again. She tried to open her eyes but when she did she, everything was so blurry that she couldn't make out anything. She closed her eyes and made out the sounds of a fight, but she really couldn't really make it out. She was about to pass out when someone picked her up and held hee close to their chest. She tried to open her eyes to sew who it was but she couldn't see past the fogyness that had built up. She gave into the darkness.

She woke up several hours later in a place she did not recognize. The room had stone walls and cealing. She went to sit up but realized that she was chained to the bed. She froze. Fear speed through her which caused her breathing to speed up which made mer midsection hurt really, really bad. She closed her eyes, tears running down her face from a mixture of fear and pain. When she had reopened them, she saw that a guy had walked in, but there was something off about him. He was tall and board, shoulder length black hair that looked silky, but the thing that stood out most about him was his eyes. His eyes were a bloody golden color. She gulped as he walked over to her. There was no doubting that he was a good looking guy. He stoped a couple feet away from her bed and looked down at her. He had to be at least six foot two inches tall.
"Felena Brastow?" He had a deep voice that seemed to hold authority.
"How bad are you hurt?" When he said this, his eyes raked over her body, looking at all the dried blood that corvered her.
"I-I-I'm fin-fine." She stampered. She was afraid that if she said that she was in pain that she'd be killed so she decided to keep her mouth shut.
"You tell lies." The man said, his bloodly golden eyes glaring at her. He walked closer to her until he was standing right beside her, looking down at her. She gulped, knowing what was about to happen, but she was surprised when it didn't. He held his hands over her body and they started glowing a golden color. With a few inches above her body, he ran them over her. When his hands stoped glowing he pulled them back and asked her again if she was okay.
"I-I'm fine." She said, but this time she ment it, all the pain she once felt had just disapered. She looked up at him and said in a very soft voice, "thank you." He nodded before reaching up and undoing the chains that held her. When she was free he told her to stand and when she did she almost fell because she was so dizzy, but she didn't hit the ground because the man caught her. She blushed as she fell right into the man's arms. He smells nice, she thought, then her eyes widened at what she had just thought. Why was she smelling this man? A man she didn't know know and could kill her at any moment moment. She looked up at him and found that he was looking down at her. The man tilted his head to the side.
"Are you okay Felena?" She felt a slight blush on her face when she felt his breath fan her face. She gulped and licked her dry lips and nodded in reply. She could tell that the man didn't believe her but let it drop. The man stood straighter and held her up and made sure she was okay before he let her go. Even though sh still felt dizzy and like pure crap, she shook it off. The man told her to follow him and she did. He led her to a different room, one with a king sized bed with curtions around it. The whole room was black and decorated to her liking. Her eyes widened as show took the room in.
"You like it?" Th man asked, his voice comeing from right beside her ear. Felena squeaked and jumped, looking to her right. She saw the man there, a big grin on his face. She couldn't help but notice how hot he looked. His pale skin, his black hair, his weird eyes... She shook herself hard again. No! She thought. She had a boyfriend who she loved and adored, but she couldn't fool herself. She thought this man was hot, and truth be told, he was. He gave her another one of his sweet smiles before he walked over to her and took her hand and led her into the center of the room and turned to look at her.
"This is where you'll be staying for now. I already have everything you'll need. Clothes, bath products, a bed, dressers, a mirror, a closet. Everything you could want. The bathroom is through that door," he pointed to a door on the left, "and there's the closet," he pointed to the right. "Now, why don't you go and take a shower and sleep. If you need anything, please feel free to ask." He gave her that smile again before turing around to leave.
"Wait!" He stoped and turned. She blushed. "What's your name?" She asked with slight hesitation, but he just smiled at her.
"It's no problem. My name's Alonzo." She smiled and nodded. "So..... Alonzo... Can I have anything to eat?" He smirked.
"Of course, my dear." She smiled and blushed slightly, but for some reason, and she couldn't remember why, but she had heard that name somewhere before...

A/N: The picture of this chapter is what the man's eyes are supposed to look like if you didn't get what I was saying in the chapter. Please vote and comment if you feel the need and please give me so great ideas. Have a great day my little candies!

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