0.11 «Emerson Samuels»

Start from the beginning

Each of us puts our right leg on the nearest blue dot. I loved Twister. It was easy for me because I was naturally flexible. I wasn't sure about Addi, but I was fairly certain that Grayson wasn't flexible like that. Ethan was the same; actually, I think that's the reason that he volunteered to spin.

Addi begins talking to me as Ethan gives us directions.

"Oh my God, Ethan and Grayson have told me so much about you. Grayson showed me a video, you're such an amazing figure skater!"

I blush, "Thank you. So, how long have you known them?" I ask, putting my left foot on a red spot.

"We've been best friends since pre-school. I was coloring and got really mad, and then I threw a broken crayon, which hit Ethan right in the forehead. We've been attached at the hip ever since," she laughed.

I chuckled, "That's sweet. Kinds reminds me of my brothers."

She gasps, "Elliot and Evan? Oh, I met them last week! You weren't here though, and I so wanted to meet you."

So she was the girl who my brothers had mentioned last time they were over here. Envy was building up inside me, but I did my best to push it away. Addi was so sweet and really pretty too. If Grayson had a crush on her, I couldn't really blame him. They had been friends forever, and she had come home, where they had reunited. It was almost out of a book it was so perfect.

We continue the game, and I'm currently laughing at Addi as she sticks her tongue out in Grayson's face.

"Screw this, I'm going to go eat!" Addi said, picking herself up and almost knocking Grayson down in the process.

"Right. It's now down to Emerson and Grayson. Since Addi forfeited, we start over."

I collapsed on the floor along with Grayson, finally giving our limbs a break. Without realizing it, I slung my hand over his chest, and his leg was tangled with mine. I could feel his abs through his shirt. I reluctantly removed my hand, blushing furiously. I saw Grayson was doing the same as we made eye contact. We stood up and waited for Ethan to begin again.

"Right hand, green."

Addi came back in the room with a bag of chips, and began cheering, "GO EMMY! You suck, Dolan!"

"HEY!" the twins said at the same time.

"Oh, right, sorry Ethan. You suck, Bailey," she corrects herself, looking at Grayson. What did she mean by Bailey? I thought, confused.

I guess Addi notices, because she explains further, "Oh, you don't know? Grayson's middle name is Bailey."

I laugh lightly, but not in a mean or rude way. I give Grayson a reassuring smile, "My middle name is Henry, after my great grandfather or something."

He smiles his adorable, contagious smile. I didn't like admitting my middle name, but I hadn't wanted Grayson to feel bad.

Ethan gives us more directions. My whole body tenses up as Grayson's hand accidentally graces my bum. It feels good, but I don't look at him, and he does nothing.

"Left hand, yellow," Ethan says. Grayson effortlessly moves his hand to the closest dot, while I have it a little bit harder. Standing between me and the yellow dot is Grayson's perfectly toned body.

I throw my hand over his chest, which he does his best to lower without totally falling onto the mat. I make it successfully, and try to hold my position.

My arm begins to shake under the pressure. I couldn't give up. Sure it was only a stupid game, but once my competitive side was out, there was no going back. You could be sure as hell my arm would hold on until it was absolutely numb.

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