No More

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We started to drive home, and I asked Judy how her and little Jenny was doing. She said fine, but she was hungry. I stopped at the nearest Veggie Stop, and I bought some carrots and milk. As Judy sat in the back, I wondered to myself, 'How is Jenny going to turn out?' As I thought about that, I began to feel woozy. Weirdly, like I was floating in my seat. As Judy yelled out stop, I almost passed out.
"Nick? Are you O.K?"
"Yeah, Carrots.. Just a little.. Woozy.."
"Do you want to call someone?"
"No.. I'll.. Be.. Bleeargh....."
After I threw up, I asked her to call someone. As she called her dad, I saw a big shipping truck come near us. As soon as it got within 100 yards, I noticed who it was. It was the Ram that shot me.

  Later, After we narrowly escaped the truck, I realized that it wasn't the ram, and that I was just hallucinating. She said that she was sorry, and we forgave her. We lived like this for another 1 and a half years.

"Just shut up Nick!" Judy yelled. Jenny covered her ears and started crying.
  "You're making her cry Judy. Try to be a little quieter, ok?
"Look who's saying that."
   Judy and I were arguing again, as we always did, and Jenny started crying.
"Shut up."
   "No. You're the one who..."
  "Shit? Know what Nick? Just get out. I never loved you anyways."
   I never felt so bad in my life. I felt like Judy had been shot again, just like I had died inside.
"Nick.. I didn't mean..."
But I had already walked out the door.

                       Judy's POV

It had been 3 hours since Nick left the house. Jenny was crying for him, but so was I. The station was called in to try and find him. I was afraid. Not like regular afraid. Gideon Grey afraid. I was crying my heart out, and knowing that any minute he could be found, any thing happening.

                         Nick's POV

     Once I got to the warehouse, I unlocked the box. 'Now I can see dad again, I guess' I thought as I pulled it out. I knew Judy still loved me, but I knew that I didn't want to hurt her ever again. I love Judy, Jenny and my mom, but I couldn't stand it anymore. I cried as I said, I love you.

                         Judy's POV

I expected the worst. I really did expect him to be dead. He had never done that before, and he never would. As Cheif came in he took off his glasses. I knew that action. It meant the worst thing possible.
"I'm sorry Judy."
As he said that, I passed out.

As I laid there, I heard Nick. He told me not to worry, to move on. I told him that I couldn't. He told me that he loved me, and left me to die inside.

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