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         "Two more weeks."
I was so excited for the wedding, because we had to wait for Bogo to give us time off for it. It had taken two months, but it was worth it. Judy's whole family would be coming, and my mom would. I haven't seen my dad since I was 3, when he went on the run from police. My mom said that's where my criminal mind came from. Her friend Christina would be coming too, because she used to watch me while mom worked.
     "I know. I can't wait to officially be your 'little carrot.'"
I smiled, and kissed her forehead. Weirdly, my tail started wagging, and I blushed.
     "Nick? What was that?"
She thought for a second, and smiled. She dropped her ears, and put her head under mine. Then, she started rubbing my fur. I started purring, and coughed to cover it up. I don't know what made me purr, but after that, we stuck together like glue. Then, we got a knock at the door. I went to pen it, and I told Judy to go to the bedroom. I opened the door, and another fox greeted me.         "Am I still invited?"

   "How did you know I was here?"
Me, Judy, and my dad were sitting in the living room, Judy almost squishing me like an orange.
     "I have sources...."
     "But... Aren't you wanted?" Judy asked.
     "Not anymore I ain't."
My dad has a very strong country accent, so it was hard for me to understand him.
     "I'm so happy that I get to see you again!" I said as I bear hugged him.
     "Get off me."
My chest felt like it exploded.
     "Wha... What?" I started to tear up.
     "I said, get off of me. I didn't come for you. I came to ask a favor."
I started to feel like crying, but I said ok.
      "I need some money to pay off this gang. Could you lend me $1,000?"
  So this was what it was all about. He only cared for himself. No wonder mom never loved him. I wanted to help him, but all the anger boiled up inside of me.
I was shocked. Judy almost never stood up to me, and she knew me for 2 1/2 years. Then to go and stand up to my dad like that... It's not like her.
     "You can deal with it yourself. We're not getting into all of this crap."
    Then, he grabbed Judy, and pulled out a gun. 'No, not again. I can't lose you!' I thought. I punched my dad, as hard as I could, and grabbed Judy. He ran out of the room, and slammed the door.

                      ~Time passes~

Later in that day, we were called by the hospital. They told us that my dad had been shot by a ram. I looked at the picture, and realized that it was the same ram that shot Judy and me. I told them, and he was convicted for that too. My dad died later that day, and Judy came to try to comfort me. After I cried, I realized something.

          I never loved you anyways, you criminally insane bitch.

Hey guys!
Sorry it took so long for the next chapter. I forgot! 😂 I will remember about the story, and try not to get grounded during the middle of it again.
❤️ you guys!


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