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"I love you Nick."
"Do I know that? Yes, yes I do."
"Shut up."
I knew he knew that. I loved him more than the amount of carrots I used to harvest. I started liking him ever since that time in the jungle. Manchas was chasing me, and Nick didn't notice, because he was preoccupied with trying to get us out of the forest safely. I slipped, and almost fell off a ledge. I would have died if Nick didn't distract the savage Panther. He also saved my job by back talking Bogo. I'm sure Cheif forgave Nick, but he sure doesn't still like him. I was still daydreaming when Nick yelled in my ear.
" I hate you!" I said playfully.
I couldn't help but laugh after that. Soon after, I saw a real speeder.
"I KNOW!" I yelled.
I knew what van that was. Nicks old van, with a tiny, light brown fox driving it.
I chased Finnick down, and pulled him over.
"Oh, Nick..." He started, "You brought your lovely bunny friend with you this time."
I felt the blush come on like a flood. Finnick laughed, and I saw Nick blushing too.
" I know. She's the most lovely thing I've ever laid my eyes on."
I blushed even harder, and when they finished, I might have been mistaken as ketchup.
"Nick!" I said as we got back into the cruiser.
"Well, it's true."
Then, I heard this ear splitting noise. I started to feel sick, then I passed out.
"Like you two don't love each other." I thought as I turned on Lion Zeppelin.
I knew that they were perfect for each other. I thought about them in their bed tonight, sleeping with each other. I started laughing because it was so cute. Then my thoughts were interrupted by the worst sound in the world. The second worst sound in the world. A gunshot, followed by the most ear splitting scream I have ever heard form a person. Two people. Nick and Judy.

Well, there you guys go. My first chapter. I hope you all enjoyed, and I hope you stick around for my new ones ASAP. ❤️ U Guys!
- Chris

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