Ch.5 Let's Party.

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"Hell no, child!"

"Cori, come on it's just hairspray!" Bellini screamed in exasperation.

"Um no! It will make my hair all hard and gross and then i will have to wash it out when I come home, and I promise you I won't be in the state to do that." I reasoned out.

"Just leave it Bell. She ain't gonna do it." Julie said and I grinned at her. She knows me so well.

"Fine! Ughhhhhh!" Bell whined and we all just laughed.

We all looked so gorgeous! Bellini had done our hair and make-up like a pro, she should seriously work at Sephora or something. She gave a natural make-up look to Robin with just a little bit of blue eye shadow on the ends of her eyes to match her dress and she pinned Rob's short hair to the side and straightened it.

For Alyssa she just put some matte brown eye shadow, blush, mascara and all that stuff and a bright pinky-red colour lip-gloss since her dress didn't really have any colour on it.

On Julie she just put some sparkly gold-brown eye shadow, blush, mascara and some pink lip gloss since her dress was purple.

Of course for Lisa she just had to go all out because of Callum so she did a light smoky eye, light bush, mascara and a deep red lipstick that matched Lisa's dress to the T.

Lastly, for me she put silver sparkly eye shadow all over my lids, then some blush and mascara and a medium coloured pink lip stick with some clear strawberry lip smacker gloss.

Too say we all looked smashing was an understatement.

"Cori, I cannot believe you hair chalked the tips of your hair purple!" Lisa complains yet again. I had taken my purple hair chalk and gone at the blonde tips of my brown hair with it.

"What!? It goes with my nail polish and earrings doesn't it! It's my accent colour! I can't have everything green and silver. I'd look like a tree!" I said.

"Well, I guess."

"Puh-lease Lisa. Just admit it, you think it looks pretty cool on me."

"Well i guess. Only you can pull this shiz of on Graduation!" she sighes as I smirked.


"OH MY GOSH!!!! That must be the boys!!!! I am soooo excited!" my mum said bursting through the door.

"Awwwww!!! You all look so pretty!!!!" mum said.

"Thanks Ma. Come on girls! Lets go.....Whoa wait!" I said as I suddenly thought of something.

"What?" Robin asked.

"Guys, do you know just how cliché this is? Us walking down the stairs in our dresses. The boys being down. Us walking down, them seeing us! That cannot happen!" I proclaimed.

"Seriously Cor? Who cares?" Robin said with a hint of annoyance.

"I frickin' do! Bell can you please ask the boys to go outside so we can come down. Thanks babe!" I more commanded than asked, and smiled when she went downstairs.

"Okay Cor. Y'all can come down now, they are outside." Belli called from down.

"Okay!!!!!" I cheered and all of us walked down.

"Okay. Y'all can come in now guys." I said in a bored tone even though I was super excited to see Kai and see his reaction to what i was wearing and stuff.

"Holy Shit!" all 3 boys said in uinison as soon as they walked into the living room. All of us girls just smiled at each other knowing this would be there reaction.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2014 ⏰

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