Ch.2 School!

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Hi guys! So the second chapter of my new book! again this chapter is pretty much the same thing as the 2nd chapter in Never Ending (for the people who read my 1sr deleted book) though you should read it because i have changed the names. KK read on!

🌸 🌺🌸🌺🌸

In our school we have 8 subject and we do 4 subjects each day for 72 minutes. Right now I am in my first period. Science. YAY!!! haha yeah right. I like sience but I really don't like my teacher. She just doesn't teach very well. Oh well, thank heavens I have my friends Julie, Robin, and Alyssa in this class. They make it so much less lame. Jules?" I say. "Yes, Cori?" She sighs because she knows what I am going to ask her. "Can you tell me what the answers are to question 1,2,and 10? Please!" Alyssa and Robin smirked. "Fine" Julie said and rattles all the answers while I frantically write them down. Now don't think that cheating is good and I always do this because I don't. It's just that I could not find the answer anywhere!!

"Thanks Julie! You are the best!" She laughed.

The bell finally rang and I jumped up and ran to my locker. I saw Callum and Mason talking. When I was close enough to Cay I jumped on his back.

"Holy mother fu....." he yelped.

"Cori!! What the heck?" he asked. Mason and I were to busy laughing our asses of to answer him.

"Dude, you should of seen your face!" Mason says when he is finished laughing.

"Thanks man" Callum sarcastically says and Mason and I just start to laugh even more. Mason and I finish laughing just as our whole friend group walks up.

Our group is pretty big. There is Julie aka the flirty yet quite smart, then Alyssa aka the crazy, loud girl, then Robin aka.....well I don't even know what to classify her under because she is just so crazy and weird but we love her. Then we have Mason aka the sweetheart, gentleman, brother, to all of us. Then Callum aka crazy, prankster of the group and the Lisa aka our mother away from our moms and last but not least me, Coriander the sweet, crazy, talkative, girl.

"Hey guys!" Robin says. " Heyo Robs! Hey everyone else" Callum, Mason and I say.

"Guys!! We need to go shopping for our grad outfits!" Alyssa says excitedly. Oh yeah did I mention that grad was coming up in a week and none of us have our outfits. Yeah, we are just that organized.

"Yeah guys! We need to go, grad is in a week and none of us have anything to wear! Do you wanna go in your underwear's and bra's for the girls? "I huff. "Heck yeah! We would look the best there!" Callum said. Huh, actually that's a pretty good prank and we all have the body for it so...... "Actua..." I start but Lisa cuts me off. "No Cori. Absolutely not." "Fine, mom" I sarcastically say and pout. "We will go with you girls to the mall tomorrow okay?" Mason and Callum grunted. They hate going shopping but oh well. "Yay! Okay what time should we meet?" I ask. "What about 11:00?" Jules says. Everyone says okay and then the bell rings for 2nd period. Luckily all our lockers are right next to each and on the top floor other and 2nd period class is on the top floor. Just two more classes and then the weekend and dress shopping, I though.

After School

"Callum! Lisa!" I yelled when I saw Cay and Lisa. They were supposed to come over to my house today but I couldn't find them anywhere. "Where were you guys!!? I have been looking everywhere for you!!" I yelled at them. "Yeah, you checked everywhere but French room" Li replied back. "You know I don't go in the French room unless it is for class!!" I screamed. I hate French if you haven't realized already but since I live in Canada it is mandatory to take French and too make it worse my high school makes us take it till grade 10 so there really isn't a point in switching to Spanish for gr.11 and 12 since you have been learning French for the past 3 years. It sucks but I am graduating in a week so whatever. Blake stuck his tongue out and then so did I. "Come on my cray cray friends get your butts into my car." Lisa said. "I CALL SHOTGUN!." I yelled and the ran to the car and sat in the passenger seat. "Sucker!" I yelled at Callum because we always compete for shotgun when Li is driving. "You won this time Cori but watch out next time" he glared at me and then got in the back of Lisa's car. I turned on the radio and Li started to drive to my house.


Hello loves!! So this is the second chappie of me new book! So these are the names and nicknames of all my characters and how to pronounce them since I will be mostly using nicknames instead of full names.

Coriander: Cori or Cor. Cori is pronounced (K-Or-E) like how you pronounce Cory Monteith name (I am soo sad he died). Cor is pronounced (K-Or) like michael Kor.

Lisa: Li or Lis. Li pronounced how it looks. Lis pronounced (Lease) just like Lisa with out the aaaa.

Robin: Rob or Robs. pronounced just like Robin with out the in.

Alyssa: Lyssa. Pronounced just like Alyssa but with out the Al.

Julie: Jules or Jule. Pronounced (J-oo-l-s) or Jewel.

Mason: Mase. Pronounced (May-s) just like Mace.

Callum: Cay or Cale. Pronounced (K/Kay) and Cale is (Cay-l) or (Kale).

Okay that's it for now! hope you liked this chapter! byessss!

-Jade <3

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