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The warm air in the apartment hit the young shinobi as the door opened up forcing Naruto's facial features to wrinkle up, the stuffy smell in his apartment making his nose wrinkle up. Arriving back from a mission to the lonely apartment in need of airing out honestly didn't meet the excited feeling welling in the blond haired ninja's chest. The young man folded his arms across his chest, his lips pushing together as he looked at the apartment, wondering if he should go straight to bed, or open up the windows.

"Eh..." Naruto rubbed the back of his head, before heading over to a window, opening it up, allowing a breeze to float through, helping to cool down the inside. A yawn escaped his lips, before he collapsed onto his futon, not caring about where he left his gear and clothing, not caring about cleaning up the room, simply adding to the mess on the floor. Soon, his snores echoed through the room, as the moon appeared in the window, casting a bright light on an unexpected visitor following a leaf which fluttered onto the floor.

Two round eyes blinked, as nails scraped across the windowsill, a small nose wiggling as a raccoon-like creature appeared. The two eyes blinked a couple of times, before the creature jumped down onto the ground, letting out a deep barking sound. The raccoon-like creature sniffed, heading over to the closet, following the brown nose wiggling at the sent off an instant ramen stash. One small paw reached into the gap, pushing the sliding door open before the creature waddled into the closet.

The sound of something scratching a styrofoam cup, the creature patted the cup back and forth, before rolling over to continue the game. Eventually, the raccoon-like creature rolled back onto the stomach, the muzzle pushing together as a sigh like a yip escaped the creature's mouth, the creatures mind thinking of a new way to open the item. The creature leaped at the instant ramen, sending the food container across the room, bumping into a stack of items which tumbled down, creating a loud noise.

A snorting sound came from the window over at the bed, the person sitting up blocking the creatures escape route. The light clicked open, and the creature dived into the closet as Naruto blinked a couple of times. The young shinobi looked around the room, his eyes setting upon the ramen cup among the increased mess. Naruto let out a sigh, stepping over to the ramen cup, before walking over to the cupboard, kneeling down on the ground to place the ramen cup into the stash.

Naruto's blue eyes widen, his mouth opening up. Sitting in the closet was a raccoon like a creature, blinking their round eyes at him. "Um. Hello. What are you doing in here?"

The creature let out a barking sound, launching at the ramen cup, finally tearing the plastic and paper top. The creature let out a growling sound.

"Ah! No!" The young shinobi scooped up the cup as the creature attempted to eat the dry noodles from the cup. "That's not how you eat ramen!" Naruto's mouth pushed together, his eyes looking down at the cup before tossing the wasted cup into the waste bin. He headed over to the stove, knocking a few empty cups onto the ground, putting on the kettle to boil. He watched the creature, who in turn looked at him.

The strange racoon-like creature let out a whimper, giving Naruto rather big eyes just as the young shinobi's own stomach grumbled. He licked his lips, grabbing a couple of cups, large ones, before putting them on, turning the timer. The racoon-like creature tried going first after the cooking noodles, only for Naruto to scoop the creature up. Then, the creature let out another growling sound before diving at the trashcan. "Ah, no!" The young shinobi quickly tied up the cup and hurried around cleaning the room up slightly before the timer went off. Naruto hurried off, opening the two ramen cups, placing one in front of the creature.

The racoon-like creature dove at the cup, slurping up the noodles faster than the young shinobi did, spilling hot water all over the place, jumping back at the touch of the scalding water, before diving back in. Naruto slurped his noodles. "You know, you shouldn't sneak into people's homes like that. Do you belong to somebody? If you're a cat, ya' can't stay. I don't like cats." The creature continued to slurp up noodles from the rather large cup, making a mess. "And I'm going to need to clean that up. Nah, I think you'll do a good job yourself. Also, you're messy, so you must be some kind of dog. I guess you can stay."

The creature let out another bark.

Naruto's mouth pushed together, letting out a humming sound. "You're kind of a doofus like that. I know! I'll call you Doofus!"

The creature barked as if the creature agreed with the name, despite the absurdity. Naruto continued to slurp the noodles, while Doofus continued to make a mess, only to clean it up. Soon, the racoon-like creature was on the floor, tummy in the air, and rather a rolly polly. The shinobi lay down next to the creature, pushing Doofus back and forth, only for Naruto to let out a yawn.

When he woke, there was no sign of the creature, and the young shinobi thought last night events were a dream. He scooped up the items from the ground, forgetting to change into clean clothes, letting out another yawn, not noticing the wasted ramen cup in the trash. He arrived down below, stretching his limbs up into the air, a smile on his face. "That was a nice dream."

"What kind of dream?"

The laugh drew Naruto's attention to the person, his eyes narrowing, a frown plastering across his face, and his arms crossing his chest. "Oh, it's you."

"So, what was this weird dream of yours?"

Naruto's arms moved from his chest to behind his head as Akamaru barked at him. "Hmm. I dreamed about a weird dog thing."

"You aren't saying Akamaru is weird are you?" Kiba's dog let out a growl

"Uh... no." The blond shinobi heard a familiar barking sound. Naruto turned, pointing his finger at the racoon-like creature. "Ah! Doofus! There you are! You were real!" The young man turned to Kiba, a smile plastered across his face. "See. Funny looking dog. Snuck into my room last night. I guess he's mine now."

"Umm, Naruto?"

"Yeah, what?"

"That's actually not a dog."


"And did you call the poor thing Doofus?"

"Well, yeah it acts like a Doofus. So why not?"

"You didn't really think much about the name, did you?" Kiba shook his head. "Well, good luck with your new pet." Akamaru barked in agreement, almost as if they were laughing at Naruto.

Note – For some reason I confused Zigzagoon and Bidoof in my head, so I had to go back and fix the one-shot. Originally Doofus got his name from the sound Bidoof's make, but he's not a Bidoof, but a Zigzagoon.

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